Monday, November 04, 2019

Justin Trudeau Is Asked What Country He Admires the Most, Says He Admires China and It's Dictatorship


thelastenglishprince said...

He probably read (and swallowed) the garbage propagated in this book:

The Post American World

Highly anti-West, anti-Christian and pro the Chinese and those who would overtake America and give us a thrashing.

Fareed Zakaria calls China a benign power in his book. Uh huh. Tell that to the millions of Muslims locked up in concentration camps in China. There is nothing benign about China's ideological root system.

revereridesagain said...

Get the Shiny Pony a matching rainbow romper shorts playsuit and send him over with Ms. "Look What You Made Me Do"'s upcoming let's sing and dance for China's dictatorship gig. Plant a few Korans in their hotel rooms. With any luck we won't get either of them back.