Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Harvard Researchers Say Some Social Distancing May Be Needed Into 2022

People around the world might need to practice some level of social distancing intermittently through 2022 to stop Covid-19 from surging anew and overwhelming hospital systems, a group of Harvard disease researchers said Tuesday. 
Lifting social-distancing measures all at once could risk simply delaying the epidemic’s peak and potentially making it more severe, the scientists warned in an article published Tuesday in the journal Science. 
The course of the pandemic will depend on questions not yet answered: Will the virus’s spread change with the seasons? What immunity will people have after they’re infected? And does exposure to coronaviruses that cause mild illnesses confer any protection against the pathogen that causes Covid-19? 
Those questions are being weighed by government leaders who have seen economies around the globe come to a standstill because of the social-distancing measures. 
With millions of people out of work and staying home, pressure is growing to loosen restrictions in the U.S. and elsewhere. Doing so, experts have said, will depend on having in place measures to control the disease, such as widespread testing.


Anonymous said...

Do not associate with Harvard students or alumni...I'm cool with that.

Pastorius said...

Quarantine Harvard.

Pete Rowe said...

I think I am willing to take my chances.

Anonymous said...

Governors Northam (VA) and Whitmer (MI) as well as NJ Gov. Phil Murphy state they will extend the lock-down ...some as long as June or July.
They have no idea the pandoras box they are unleashing. There is no way people are going to be restrained when neighboring communities are returning to normal.

I vaguely recall reading predictions of mass riots breaking out during the summer before the 2020 election anticipation of showing how POTUS Trump cannot keep control. At the time, I believe it was related to recent violent Antifa activities not being prosecuted.

Given current circumstances, I doubt Antifa will have a monopoly on such disturbances. I cannot imagine how these governors believe they will maintain the peace if they make the average citizen criminals for returning to normal life as other states return to normalcy.
The left insisted it was impossible to control the borders ...what makes them think they can control legal citizens?
This is insanity.

Phred Pun said...

Social distancing huh? Wow, too bad they didn't think of that during the AIDS outbreak in the early 1980's. Think of the money we could have saved in the last 40yrs that we now be spending on COVID-19.Oh well. Live and learn.

Pastorius said...

I'm going to hire some other dumbfuck to do my Social Distancing for me.