Friday, April 10, 2020

What Americans Don't Understand About China

Melissa Chan is an American broadcast journalist, who currently presents DW News Asia on Deutsche Welle TV.


Anonymous said...

JUST IN: Stacey Abrams says she would be "honored" to be Joe Biden's running mate

cjk said...

Rogan is what Alex Jones would call controlled opposition.
I don't know what the truth is but if there is such a thing as controlled opposition he would be it.
I have been banned for a long time now by Breitbart for commenting that Stacy Abrams looks like a gorilla.
I guess that's crossing the line, but I can't help but thinking of a gorilla every time I see her ugly face which is a front for her ugly mind.

Pastorius said...

Personally, I would not go around calling black people gorillas. I am well aware it is an ugly stereotype.

That being said, there are some people of all races who do look a bit simian.

Anyway, to your point about Joe Rogan, last night he posted on Instagram saying Dr Fauci said we should never shake hands again, and that he, Rogan, thought to himself, "Fuck that, oh wait, well maybe if that's the way it has to be, then ok"

First Fauci is probably an Asperger's guy with no feeling for human beings, and thus, he'd love to live in a world where no one touches each other.

But human touch is integral to our sense of compassion and love.

Rogan is, at the very least, a sick man for expressing the opinion he did.

At the worst, yes, he may be a mouthpiece for a higher and more disgusting order.