Wednesday, April 15, 2020

NYC Adds Nearly 4,000 People Who Never Tested Positive To Coronavirus Death Tolls

New York City added nearly 4,000 people who never tested positive for the coronavirus to its death toll Tuesday, bringing coronavirus-related deaths in the city to around 10,000 people. 
The city decided to add 3,700 people to its death tolls, who they “presumed” to have died from the virus, according to a report from The New York Times. 
The additions increased the death toll in the U.S. by 17%, according to the Times report, and included people who were suffering from symptoms of the virus, such as intense coughing and a fever. (RELATED: How The Coronavirus Is Infecting Americans’ Civil Liberties) The Times stated: 
A limited number of tests have been available, and until now, only deaths where a person had tested positive were counted among those killed by the virus in New York."


Anonymous said...

Running up the score for the political agenda. Kinda like how any man who dies in Africa is counted an AIDS victim no matter how many machete wounds or how far his head is found from his body.

Always On Watch said...

This data should have been in a separate column labeled "Possible COVID-19."

paul scott said...

For many straight forward reasons the tests are extremely vague. Genetic material tested for is not specific to the manufactured Wuhan virus.