Monday, April 13, 2020

The Coronavirus Is Exposing Little Tyrants All Over The Country

The Coronavirus Is Exposing Little Tyrants All Over The Country
“We’ve now witnessed local and state governments issue decrees about what people can and cannot buy in stores, arrest parents playing with their children in public parks, yank people off public buses at random, remove basketball rims along with private property, ticket churchgoers, and in one case try—and fail—to chase down a lone runner on an empty beach. All of this, we’re told, is for our own good.”


thelstenglishprince said...

We have the right to peaceful assembly, freedom of association, and freedom of movement.

COVID19 allows for an attack on our Constitution.

We "look" like China now. They have none of the above.

Even so: I am following the guidelines. But it is with a "limited view" regarding the efficacy of such things. If this is going to stalk the human race for months, at some point in time, Americans have to get back to work. Americans have to get back to church.

Pastorius said...

To the extent that i may follow the guidelines, it is with no sense of pride. It is with a sense of shame knowing the reality of what i owe to this country.

I have never seen anything so shameful about this country in my entire life.

I am profoundly disappointed by my fellow Americans and my fellow humans.

midnight rider said...

Huh... sounds a lot like something I wrote 10 days ago. Americans are not going to take kindly to being forcibly pent up much longer. It is not in our national DNA.

Pastorius said...


I'm glad you wrote that.

I know I feel like I am living in an unnatural state.

here's the thing: I have a relationship with God which makes it so I can be at peace in this situation.

But I am more dangerous, because I am at peace and able to be rational.

I know what they are doing is wrong.

And I am taking notes. And I am sure there are many other people like me.

These people need to be gone.

As I wrote, we need a III for this shit.

Anonymous said...

Trump's chasing all cockroaches out into the light.

Anonymous said...




Pastorius said...

I like you, Anonymous. You took the words right out of my mouth.

It is the banality and pettiness of evil.

My fucking neighbors and their finger-wagging fascism, their fear the world fascism, their I believe anything the government says because I have a TV, people are dangerous, stay inside, give me my government check, my union check, let me suck on my government Pension like it's the half-flaccid cock of a fat-assed middle aged Viagra addict.

This EVENT has made me realize that people who love Freedom live surrounded by automatons, we need not fear robots in the future, because we already live amongst the programmed.