Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Mysterious Coronavirus

From Tucker Carlson:
Based on extensive case analysis, the researchers estimate that the average infected Wuhan resident infected 5.7 other people. That’s enough to double the epidemic in fewer than three days. Is the estimate accurate? 
We don’t know if it is. 
An awful lot of conclusions about this virus have turned out to be embarrassingly wrong. It has happened again and again, with enormous consequences. 
But for a moment, imagine this new number from Los Alamos is correct, and the size of the outbreak in Wuhan was doubling every three days. That would mean a huge number of people there were infected with the coronavirus. 
Here’s the mystery: The Chinese government allowed 5 million residents to flee the city before they locked it down in January. Most of them presumably went to other places in China. 
And yet, according to the Chinese – as well as all available evidence we now have in the West – there were no other major outbreaks in China. Not in Shanghai, not in Chengdu, not in Beijing. 
Meanwhile, other cities all over Europe and the United States have been brought to their knees by the virus. How could this be? It doesn’t seem to make any sense at all. 
For some reason, almost no one in the American media has even asked about it. That’s strange. 
At this point, we have no real explanation for why the coronavirus spread throughout the West, but not throughout China. We should find out. 
And that’s far from the only thing we don’t understand about this pandemic. How about the most basic question of all:

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