Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Andrew Cuomo: Nah, I Don't See the Need for an Independent View of My Decision to Kill Thousands and Thousands of Elderly People By Forcing Nursing Homes to Take Coronavirus Patients

These nursing homes did not have isolation wards and did not have any capacity to keep coronavirus to specific places. 
So the wholes of the nursing homes were soon infected, and thousands of people died needlessly. 
Or perhaps... this was always the intention? 
Well, Andrew Cuomo says there's no need to investigate why he ordered this murderously terrible decision. 
He's looked into his actions, and he's given himself a clean bill of health.

1 comment:

thelastenglishprince said...

What about the impact on people like my brother? His facility, uses the Memory Care Unit for COVID - and it is under the same roof, but a completely separate facility with no access to the building.

I challenge ANYONE to do the "Dog Crate Challenge" for one day and then imagine what it feels like to be in the crate, for weeks, and possible months. We treat our criminals better. Where is the outcry? Where is the push back so that we can see and care for our loved ones?
