We've been hearing a lot of big claims. And, I have not seen the hard evidence yet.
This story begins with the little-known executive order signed into existence on September 12, 2018, by President Donald J. Trump.
That order, available at, is entitled, “Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.” In that executive order, which almost no one has covered since the day it was signed, President Trump declares a national emergency.
That emergency is still in play to this day, and the 2020 election was conducted under this state of emergency, which is a crucial point to understand what’s coming next. “Unauthorized accessing of election infrastructure”
In the EO, the President also states that people and organizations located, in part, outside the United States are known to be able to, “interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation.”
If you’re starting to see how this ties in to CNN, the NY Times, the Washington Post and MSNBC, you’re not alone. All those organizations, as you’ll soon see, have been caught under this emergency declaration of “foreign interference” in U.S. elections, aided by complicit corporations on U.S. soil.
The EO further states that this foreign interference in U.S. elections, “constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.”
Why is this relevant to anything we’re seeing right now with the massive election fraud carried out by the Democrats and the deep state?
Because Dominion Voting Systems is a Canadian company.
And Scytl is run out of Spain.
That’s right. Dominion is a foreign-owned company, which makes Dominion-based election theft a “foreign interference issue.”
Scytl, by the way, is connected to George Soros and the Democrats, and according to TGP (see below), “Bill Gates also own stock in Scytl.”
Another voting machine company called Scytl — also widely used in US elections — is located in Spain.
As Great Game India reports:
Days after it was revealed how 2020 US Elections were rigged by Canadian Crown Agent Dominion Voting Systems through a so-called “glitch”, now GreatGameIndia has found involvement of another dubious foreign company in US Election meddling.
The votes cast by Americans were counted by a bankrupted Spanish company Scytl in Spain. Like Dominion Voting Systems, Scytl has a long history of election fraud in various nations including injecting backdoors in its election software.
The issue has prompted experts to question why the sensitive job of counting votes was outsourced to a foreign company? How could a bankrupted Spanish company count American votes in Spain?
Due to such widespread fraud, the Chairman of the US Federal Election Commission Trey Trainor believes that the 2020 US Presidential Elections is illegitimate.
What people are missing in all this is that Trump’s 2018 executive order gives the DOJ the power to seize all assets of individuals and companies that were complicit in aiding or covering up this foreign interference in U.S. elections.
The National Emergency order specifically calls for seizure of all assets of entities that have, “directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in a United States election.”
That would, of course, have to include practically every CNN fake news anchor, every Big Tech CEO, every fake news journo-terrorist from NBC News, the NY Times and the Washington Post. They are all complicit in gaslighting America and covering up the massive foreign election interference that just took place.
Trump’s EO further explains that asset seizures shall target people and entities which have:
…materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, any activity described in subsection (a)(i) of this section or any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order; or (iii) to be owned or controlled by, or to have acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, any person whose property or interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order.
In other words, the EO covers every person who has been corrupted or compromised by communist China. And that includes at least 80% of Democrat lawmakers, by our estimates, including Senators Feinstein and Schiff.
Call me crazy, but you know what I think?
I think what we are witnessing is many different Intelligence Community entities controlled by powers within our the CIA, etc. who - protected and obscured by Black Budgets - are at war with each other for who gets to control America.
I think Trump was chosen by one group, and that group is making war on the other one.
They are all "Deep State", they just happen to be competing entities within the Deep State.
This is the Civil War.
It is not a war of the people. It is a war between groups of people who have fiefdoms within our government. They are very, very powerful people, with access to hundreds of billions, if not trillions of dollars of our taxpayer money, and they are using it to play chess with our lives.
Trump may be the candidate who is actually favored by the people, but remember, he made the decisions to put us into this lockdown. He either backed it, or mistakenly bought into it. If it was a mistake, it was a horrible miscalculation by him. And, really, it has just about done him in.
And it was a betrayal of the public trust. He was responsible for taking away our God-given rights. He made those decisions, no matter how much he might want to blame Fauci.
He had better put up the evidence, and rectify this situation, or he will go down in history as a terrible villain.
It really does not matter what you think of him now. What matters is only if he wins and if he fixes this shit. If he doesn't, then the whole shithouse is going to go up in flames (to quote Jim Morrison), and he is going to be left holding the blame.
Kamala Harris will be credited by history with converting America to a "Socialist Utopia", and people will never have a choice again.
If Trump does pull us out of this, the next thing he needs to do is eliminate the black budgets which have led to this state of affairs. We need to get the nation back into the hands of the people.
We traded our Liberty for security.
As the saying goes, if America sneezes, the rest of the world catches the Flu.
If America does not survive, it will be a New Dark Age.
I wrote about War Within the State in 2017:
I agree regarding the lockdown policy and relinquishing the narrative to the individual states to determine their course of action. It has devolved to the President of Notre Dame demanding the student body not leave the city. Who gave him that kind of power? The same applies to the governors and municipalities who have also stripped Americans of civil liberties.
But yes - a war within the state is raging along.
Your assessment is correct, IMO.
Yes, we are in the midst of the civil war as you stated that civil war.
PS: Trump listened to the science, and it was a mistake. Biden (or Harris) will listen to the science ("Do as you're told" - Fauci, recently).
We are in deep shit!
One little quibble: it was -- and now is-- the mostly Dem governors who locked us down here in Virginia.
Yes, you are right.
I tend to believe Trump is actually on the Freedom side, and he did the right thing by the Constitution in allowing Governors to make the decision.
And, in fact, this ought to be enough evidence for people that it is the Democrats who are the problem, because as you say, it is the Democrat governors who have really gone beyond the pale in their totalitarian decision making.
We have little Freedom.
TLEP, so did I:
I recall.
I also wrote this:
One way the Coronavirus Prophecies*** can be understood is as a war between competing world visions - Globalism vs Nationalism - with Billionaires facing off in a kind of Mutual Assured Destruction.
The Globalists decided to wage Economic Warfare against the Nationalists by inventing a worldwide Virus hysteria that requires us all to stay in our houses.
This puts a huge crushing weight on the marketplace. The marketplace is probably functioning at about 70% right now. People need food and essentials, but we don't need to go to movies, amusement parks, Casinos, vacations, Massage businesses, etc.
When you look at that list, you realize Trump and the Nationalists actually have the upper hand. Those businesses are the purview of the Ultra Left. Most of the people in those businesses have a Globalist mindset dominated by the worship of Gaia, and airy-fairy New Age bullshit.
The people in the essential industries, banking, packaging, Construction (New medical offices, hospitals, etc), home repair, AC and Heating, are more likely to be salt of the Earth types, and, yes, Nationalists.
So, how long can the Billionaires train their weapons at each other before one blinks?
*** I've decided to call the current virus hysteria "The Coronavirus Prophecies" because it requires a religious faith; a deep belief in apocalypse, and a lack of Hope.
Another Big Picture Takeaway From The Coronavirus Message
Previously, I have stated that there are three big picture takeaways - or, things we learn - from the Coronavirus panic of 2020.
1) Stay in your home
2) Get all information from the internet
3) The Government will take care of you
I realized there is a fourth:
4) The Government is more important than the people - government employees are not losing their paychecks.
Government offices may shut down, but the government workers are continuing to get paid.
Meanwhile, small businesses who are being forced to shut down, or curtail hours, are likely to end up going out of business.
People are being told not to report to work. Many are not going to receive paychecks.
Families will lose their life savings. Families will lose their homes.
It is worth looking at the executive order in a bit of detail. Within 30 days of the executive order, a handful of individuals are tasked with creating a plan to deal with anticipated foreign interference.
By the way, when this EO was issued, it probably went mostly unremarked upon because of the MSM's harping on the fantasy of Russian interference in 2016, which was totally counterfeit of course. But there is real election fraud. Trump is not stupid, he knows there is real fraud. Everyone knows the Democrats history, and everyone knows that the Democrats started trying to steal election 2016 as soon as Trump won. Everyone knows that the Democrats would have discovered hundreds of thousands of ballots in Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Atlanta in 2016 if they thought they needed to. Instead, they believed their polls, and didn't employ such a backup plan, and lost fair and square in 2016. They were not going to let it happen again. Trump knows all this. That is the background.
The measures that were supposed to be put into place within 30 days of the EO were to remain wholly or partially classified.
So, the EO called for a group of people under Trump to put together a secret plan to head off election fraud. That's what it does, in plain English.
The group includes State, Treasury, DHS, National Intelligence, and the AG.
The Left has undone the rule of law, and now we are reduced to rule of men. It is a matter of who/whom. The law doesn't matter so much as who enforces it, just as who votes doesn't matter so much as who counts the votes. If we had rule of law, all we would have to do is look at what the law says, and it wouldn't matter who the AG was, who the DNI chief was, etc. But now, that type of question has to be asked.
I see a pattern of Trump quietly removing deep staters over time and putting in his own loyalists.
The men tasked with creating a secret plan in anticipation of the 2020 election being stolen are William Barr, Chad Wolf, John Ratcliffe, Steve Mnuchin, and Mike (smooth transition to 2nd Trump term) Pompeo.
What do I know about these guys? Very little. I can google their pictures and backstories just like anybody else can, but I haven't really studied them.
My gut tells me that this group of men are not deep staters. Are they Team Kraken?
And also, although the EO doesn't mention anything about DoD, the DoD chief was just fired and a new guy was brought in. Christopher Miller.
I don't know anything more about Christopher Miller than I do about Chad Wolf or John Ratcliffe. But, he strikes me as the type of man who wishes to make America great again.
The MSM noticed that it is "unprecedented" for the Sec of Defense to be replaced by an outgoing president after his party loses the presidency in an election.
Tim Pool tweeted a while ago about that move, "are you paying attention yet?"
From Wikipedia:
Thirty-five days before the November 2020 election, Ratcliffe declassifed 2016 Russian disinformation that asserted Hillary Clinton had personally approved a scheme to associate Trump with Vladmir Putin and Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee. Ratcliffe provided the disinformation to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, who publicly released it. The allegation had been previously rejected as baseless by the Republican-controlled Senate Intelligence Committee. Ratcliffe acknowledged in a letter to Graham that the intelligence community "does not know the accuracy of this allegation or the extent to which the Russian intelligence analysis may reflect exaggeration or fabrication."[80] The intelligence community opposed the release of the information
All I know about Chad Wolf is this: he was in charge of the deployment of military style fed troops to the Portland riots over the summer; and that, per NY Post, he is defying Trump's order to fire Christopher Krebs. In the last week there was some hope online that Trump had anticipated election fraud and that CISA will be revealed to have been in on a plan to watermark ballots or something to catch the Dems in the act. It turns out Chris Krebs, chief of CISA which is under DHS, is part of the deep state resistance. Chad Wolf was ordered to fire Krebs but did not do so.
Is the Krebs/Wolf matter a false flag to lend credibility to an upcoming revelation by DHS that yes there was domestic surveillance of the Democrats' activities in Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Atlanta? Is there any way to account for Wolf defying Trump's order to fire Krebs but still believe that Wolf is part of an effort to make America great?
I turned your thoughts into a post. I hope you don't mind.
As long as John McCain doesn't come back from the dead and kick your ass I don't mind.
Donald J. Trump is part of the great American experience. He should have been embraced, mentored, assisted to move into his role.
What could be more American than actually having a man who has never entered the public spotlight to gain the White House? America is a place where dreams can come true.
His rise was refreshing and confirmation that America continues along the right path for our Republic. His repudiation and the constant assault is also the same against the American voter.
But the affirmation of a dream, brought a political nightmare to those who really do not pursue democracy, but merely give it lip service.
Biden? He will send us back to a political Stone Age with his policies.
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore—
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over—
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
Well put, TLEP.
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