Friday, November 06, 2020

Female Antifa Scumbag Charge With Spitting in a Cop's Face Shockingly, She Turns Out to Have Been an Intern for Senior House Jerry Nadler 2018-2019


When reached for comment, Singh told the Post that she only behaved the way she did because "cops were attacking people." 

In her world, her fellow protesters chanting "Burn the precinct to the ground!" were on the side of peace, apparently, while the cops preventing violence amounts to "attacking people." 

She also accused the cops of breaking her left arm, which there is no evidence for. 

According to her Facebook profile, she worked for Congressman Jerry Nadler for five months from 2018-2019.


1 comment:

revereridesagain said...

She'd have to accuse a 76-year-old woman of breaking her goddam nose with the handle of a cane, but unfortunately I wasn't there.