Saturday, November 14, 2020

MICHIGAN WITNESS and Former State Senator Witnessed Early Morning Ballot Dump of 61 Boxes at TCF Center

Former State Senator Pat Colbeck was present to help count the vote in Detroit on election night and witnessed voter fraud that he described at length. 

His long experience with campaigns and publishing on his site gives him the knowledge to know election law and election procedure, and what is improper procedure. 

Colbeck says that there was no chain of custody on Detroit ballots! 

Colbeck describes seeing evidence of double voting in Detroit! 

Colbeck says he personally witnessed unsealed Detroit ballot boxes! 

Colbeck witnessed the 3:30am Biden Ballot Drop! 

“None of the precincts balanced or were closed out, and yet they were able to report out the vote totals as they were counting,” Colbeck said, as he described a total breakdown of election security in Detroit. 

This means that there was no security on Detroit ballots, and tampering with election results is very possible. The van filled with 61 boxes of absentee ballots has been witnessed by Colbeck, among many others. Still to the Michigan media, it is “unsubstantiated.” 

Republicans were prevented from being accepted as poll workers, ensuring no one would be at the counting table to stop the steal. Republicans were then kept out as the Biden Ballot Drop votes were counted on Wednesday morning. 
Colbeck also says he witnessed voting machines networked together, and were likely connected to the internet!

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