Sunday, December 20, 2020

CRAZY Dr. Fauci Tells Children He Flew to the North Pole and Vaccinated Santa Clause

Sick Freak

Children around the world should not worry about the logistics of Christmas present delivery while the coronavirus pandemic rages, Dr Anthony Fauci said – because he vaccinated Santa himself. 
“I took care of that for you,” the top US infectious diseases expert told CNN. “Because I was worried that you’d all be upset.


thelastenglishprince said...

Let me know when Fauci vaccinates Jesus Christ. Then I will get the jab.

revereridesagain said...

Because the Imaginary People are always more important than we mere mortals. If you don't believe that, you are 'of satan!!!' and deserve the stake.

Always On Watch said...

So much for gravitas, Doctor.
