Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Fauci Participated in The Burying of Evidence That Copywrighted Virus Sequences Were Identical To Those of COVID? YGBFKM!


JEC said...

Yup, its snake venom with HIV and a few other toxins thrown in....

Anonymous said...

Please consider watching this video Dr. Bryan Ardis (www.ardisantidote.com) has unveiled a shocking connection between this pandemic and the snakes of the NWO.

Dr. Ardis asks, 'what does anti-venom have to do with Covid?' Venoms are polyclonal antibodies. If I get bit by a snake, of course I would go to the hospital to get anti-venom (anti-clonal antibodies).
Steve Kirsch says if the CDC, NIH, FDA tells you to do something - you should do the opposite.
Are these agencies recommending to take anti-clonal antibodies to treat Covid-19? No, they've been bad mouthing anti-clonal antibodies the entire time and stripped them out of Florida and in January of 2022 stripped the use of mono-clonal antibodies totally. They do NOT want you to touch anti-clonal antibodies. These federal agencies also didn't want you to touch Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, NAC, all of which work against 'Covid-19'...preventing the recovery of those 'infected'.
Mono-clonal antibodies are 'anti-venom'. The federal government doesn't allow the use of 'anti-venom' to treat Covid...why? Is it not a virus? Is it a venom? Was the source of 'Covid-19' a snake?
MSM denials:
Chinese scientists testing infected patients for source of Covid-19 DNA resulted in the possibility of two snakes, the Chinese Krait and the King Cobra. The spike protein from SARS Covid-2 most identical to these two snakes. May 2020 University of Pittsburgh physician working in a computational lab with genetic sequencing/researching spike proteins for 5 months to solve the mystery of Sars Cov-2 victims and was about to release his findings but Dr. Bing Liu was shot dead at 37 years of age in Ross Township, PA (5/2020).
He was found with multiple gunshot wounds to the head, neck, torso and extremities at his home in the Pittsburgh suburbs, according to the local police department.

The gunman was identified as 46-year-old software engineer Hao Gu. Authorities say he took his own life after returning to his car.link

In the realization that this pandemic could be related to a venom, the question arises:
What is Remdesivir? January 21st forty-two page EUA for Remdesivir stated there was only one drug which could NOT be administered with Remdesivir at the same time because it negates the antiviral properties if Remdesivir. That drug was Hydroxychloroquine.
January 2020 a company's 10 year research of gene mapping all the genes of the venoms, proteins & peptides of King Cobra venom was published...19 toxic venom proteins. Funding came from Genentech, a subsidiary of Roche which had a conflict of interest because they held shares of MedGenome and stocks in Roche. Is there a connection between Genentech and Gilead which purchased biologic studies in 2011 and then bought 55 of their scientists into Gilead when that King Cobra study got started. Gilead is the manufacturer of Remdesivir. Known since 2005, Hydroxychloroquine blocks the nicotine receptors in the brain stem from being injured by Cobra & viper venom. Remdesivir as packaged has a white to yellowish tint, the same as snake venom when it is stored. So much more in the video....must watch.