Thursday, April 07, 2022

Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra Says He Supports HHS Funding Being Used For Sex Reassignment Surgeries on Minors


Always On Watch said...


Where are the millstones?

revereridesagain said...

People who do not care why kind of horrible, permanent damage is being done to others so long as their own actions will make them perceived as virtuous to others who share their belief system should at least be called out even in the hopes that some of them may be stopped.

This clown is up there with those who believed burning at the stake would save the souls of those led astray.

Confused kids do not deserve a lifetime of further suffering because some ahole wants to virtue signal.

Always On Watch said...

I hear ya!

But some of us have a different kind of faith. Maybe not enough of us, I don't know.

revereridesagain said...

This sure isn't just fringe, the AMA has stated its support for "trans health care" such as drugging and mutilation in its current 55-page "woke" manifesto.

Outside "advocates" have been brought to my town to argue for "trans rights" and it must be going on all over the country. These kids are desperately in need of genuine advocates instead of woke virtue-signalers.