Sunday, October 09, 2022

Boston Children’s Hospital Cuts Video Telling Parents Their Children May Know They’re Trans from the Womb


thelastenglishprince said...

I would like to announce that while in the womb my sons also knew they had one heart which worked based upon a sodium-potassium pump mechanism, a cerebellum, two kidneys, a spleen, duodenum and a pancreas.

These individuals should be mill-stoned right into the ocean.

The best thing you can do for your child who has been groomed is not to support them, but to use parental authority to guard them until they are old enough to understand they have been preyed upon by evil.

revereridesagain said...

Glad these promo propaganda videos were caught before Boston Children's Hospital and Quack Sanctuary could take them down. The media here in Marxachusetts has been trying to deny that they exist.

There used to be an enthusiastic culture of tarring and feathering here in Boston around the time of the Revolution. Tarring and feathering is an ugly, painful punishment with permanent effects. Seems appropriate for "professionals" who mutilate brainwashed kids, just sayin'.