Saturday, October 08, 2022

“What I’ve Seen In The Past Two Years Is Unprecedented”: Renowned OB/GYN tells Dr. Drew That He Has Seen an “Off the Charts” Rise in Miscarriages and Fetal Abnormalities Since the Vaccine Was Introduced

"Miscarriage has increased by a massive number… Fetal malformation…fetal cardiac abnormalities… fetal cardiac arrhythmias…fetal cardiac arrest…severe placental problems causing inter-uterine growth restrictions (unable to grow fetuses)… [it’s] a significant increase, and this is all compared with appropriate controls (like the influenza vaccine)… it’s way off the charts. 
So, the CDC and the FDA say that if you have a relative risk of [p-value**] 2 or greater, that’s a severe danger signal that should be looked at. Ours are way, way beyond that, with some of the p-values [above] 1,000,000.” **p-value: the probability, for a given statistical model that, when the null hypothesis is true, the statistical summary would be equal to or more extreme than the actual observed results ... 
“I’m convinced that the reason many of the children… we are seeing VAIDS – vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. I suspect the cause of that is because of the thymus gland. The thymus gland is under the sternum, and it’s massive in the fetus – very tiny in us [fully-grown adults]. But, it’s the organ that’s responsible for seeding all of the t-cell clones. And, if you look at that Japanese biodistribution [study] data, it also [shows it] concentrates in the thymus. [according to that study] I think there was a four-fold increase in the thymus, but that’s in an adult… if you look at a newborn thymus it’s probably more like 120-fold because it’s so vascular and lipophilic… and these children might have lifelong VAIDS because of that insult to the thymus in utero.”


revereridesagain said...

I was just reading about the pressures being put on members of the medical profession to desist from any criticisms of the experimental "vaccine". Between that and the headlong dash to make $$$ from the "therapeutic" drugging and mutilation of children and young adults to satisfy the demand of victims of the "trans" craze for "affirmative treatment".

Isn't there anything left of professional ethics, to say nothing of plain human compassion and responsibility, in that profession? Or in teaching?

revereridesagain said...

Milions of women with no choice but to continue with compromised pregnancies -- because the attending are worried they could end up sued or in jail if they can't prove she might die. The politicians couldn't be bothered to study the facts because all they cared about was the Word of the "Heavenly Father" -- actual quote by one who thinks an ectopic pregnancy can be cured by moving it into the uterus. Only the "babies" are important and The Lord hath commanded that The Woman must suffer because Eve. It breaks my heart that people are so inappropriately selfish that they will cooperate in others being hurt because the want to Be Saved and See Grandma Again.

Sorry if I've offended.
