Sunday, July 02, 2023

Government Surveillance Cameras On Every Street Corner is a Violation of the 4th Amendment

From Fox 5

SAN DIEGO — The debate over smart surveillance streetlights and license plate readers in San Diego is heating up again. 
The San Diego Police Department’s proposal would make San Diego the largest city to use street lights with license plate readers. But the City of San Diego’s Privacy Advisory Board voted unanimously Thursday night to send to City Council the Option 2 plan, which rejects SDPD’s proposal, according to Seth Hall with the Trust SD coalition. 
Some are worried about privacy. 
“Put the cameras away. Who watches who?” a community member said at the meeting.

The rest of the article is the left using any controversy to promote their anti-freedom agenda. 

Fuck the left. 

But fuck the right too.

We have to do away with all these scumbags.

These cameras are a violation of the 4th Amendment. We have the right to walk the streets without being surveilled by the government. 

The only time the government should be poking it's nose into our business is when we are violating the rights of other citizens.

The government does not get to do searches of us if we are not suspected of a crime.

And, if they want to know where we go, and who we associated with, they need to get a fucking warrant.

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