Thursday, July 13, 2023

On Media Hype of Bad Weather

Another article from Alex Berenson, who is more of the left than of the right.

I don’t want to write about climate change. 

Truly. I don’t know if the models are right or wrong, and I don’t want to spend my life finding out. 

But the way the media now reports on weather - not broad climate issues, but day-to-day weather - has bugged me for a while, and last night it hit (literally) close to home. 

Climate reporting in the elite media has become a series of endless, breathlessly reported firsts and 1-in-1,000 year events. The hottest June ever in Houston. The driest August in Tokyo. The wettest April in London. The biggest wildfire in Quebec. 

Oddly, one regularly finds these factoids on ESPN too: Player X is the first rookie to average 15 points, 2.2 blocks, and 1.8 steals per game since 2014. The numbers are good, but rarely as special as the framing makes them seem. They come from producers running database dives. Slice the pie thinly enough, and a decent player looks great. 

Where ESPN is hoping to impress its viewers, the extreme weather statistics have a different purpose: to frighten. They’re meant to make readers believe that a climate apocalypse is upon us and that only by giving up gas stoves - not private planes, never private planes, only gas stoves - can we survive.




Most Likely II said...

None GAF that we have "unexpected" or "un-forecast" volcanic eruptions (or 'activity') all of the time. Each eruption should have quickly kicked us way "over the edge" of climate calamity, as the first 5 min. of each volcanic eruption (and there's 1,100 'active' volcanoes around the planet at any one time [per National Geologic Survey (USGS)]) and every 5 min. thereafter expells more than 200% of the ENTIRETY OF "Man's impact on the planet" with respect to thermal radiation, CO, CO2, SO, SO2, heavy metals, and radiation.

If you need visual proof, do an internet search for "volcanic eruption as seen from the international space station (ISS)" then do an internet search for "shuttle launch as seen from the international space station (ISS)" and compare the two.

The shuttle launch is the single-greatest expenditure [and release] of energy that we've ["Mankind" has] had since the Saturn Missile launches, and they were the biggest since anyone's tested or used an Atomic Bomb.

Most Likely II said...

. . . And there's a volcano in Indonesia that spews literally TONS of S, and SO2, and remains on-fire spewing blue flame 24/7/365, but man really better watch out for cow farts.

Most Likely II said...

Everyone should do an internet search for "The Year without a Summer" if you want to know what "man's impact" on the weather is.

[Spoiler Alert] That was due to one [albeit massive] eruption from Mt. Tambora. in the Dutch East Indies, in 1816 which severely dropped global temperatures.

Now think:
1) This could happen any day
2) "Mankind" cannot stop it
3) "Mankind" cannot stopper-it (slow it down or mitigate it)
5) "Climate-Change" is communism placing a bullshit tax on the ignorant.

revereridesagain said...

The "climate change" movement demonstrates all the bogus "science", irrational hysteria and relentless evangelizing of a true cult and communism certainly comes under that heading.

Pastorius said...

Great comments, Most Likely.

thelastenglishprince said...

Has not God Almighty sustained the earth for billions of years?

Here is the deal. A flood breaks a drought. So while we become breathless about one event, another event is balancing it out.

Anything that deliberately increases fear and anxiety on 24/7 basis is a false flag. COVID advertisements exposed the model.

I still cringe when someone says "Be safe" instead of "See ya' later". They are fearful. Why are they fearful? Those afraid of living probably have an overwhelming fear of death. smile

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.