Sunday, July 02, 2023


I am shocked to see that Elon Musk realizes this.


Anonymous said...

The biggest miscalculation the WEF has made is believing they could ride the Islamic tiger. How wrong they are. The most likely outcome of the week's unrest will be convincing the traditional French that they are on the verge of cultural extinction. Do they really want to become Muslim with all that entails? I believe not.

We will see this play out in the next couple of years. Europe has to reclaim the primacy of its culture by force or collapse and convert to the mosque and the veil. Either outcome will end the NWO.

Anonymous said...

BTW: Do you remember this?

" a chilling 2021 report, 25 retired French generals warned Macron in an open letter that the country is headed for "civil war" because of the influx of migrants. So what did the president do in response? He threatened to punish active soldiers who signed an open letter..."

Pastorius said...

Yeah, pretty sure we posted about that here.