Thursday, April 11, 2024

Elon Musk - Things Most People Don't Know About China

Interesting thoughts on our geopolitical situation.

You'll notice Musk says he has done a lot of business with China. He says he has met with the leadership a number of times.

And, you'll notice, he doesn't say anything critical of China. 

Well, of course.

On the other hand, we know Musk is no pushover. He is, for instance, standing up against Brazil right now. He is willing to lose all business is Brazil. 

But Brazil is nowhere near the size and power of China.

Another interesting thing to note here is when Musk talks about the "conspicuous acts of kindness" performed by the US, Lex Friedman says, "Isn't this the way forward"?

And then, after that, he talks about how nations would be best served if they focused on doing the best for themselves, not trying to change others. There is a lot of difficulty he is glossing over here. For instance, Taiwan. Lex Friedman makes it sound like we should just give up Taiwan, because it is inevitable. 

That hardly sounds like a "conspicuous act of kindness." 

It sounds like Neville Chamberlain.

But you know what focusing on imrpoving one's own nation sounds like? 


But Lex Friedman would never admit that Trump was right about anything, would he?

Because Lex Friedman is an intellectual elitist. He thinks he is a part of the Intelligentsia, and only people who act and speak like members of the Intelligentsia should have a place in decision making. 

Trump doesn't fit that mold. 

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