Sunday, May 12, 2024

Qatar Has A Choice To Make About Hamas

It would be ludicrous, of course, to demand the Radcliffe Line of 1947 be erased and what were the eastern and western horns of Pakistan be returned to India. What is even more ludicrous, is that Qatar continues to harbor and facilitate Hamas leadership on their sovereign soil.

Hamas has always used sentiment as a business model. Gaza’s hopes and dreams and quality of life are laundered straight into the numbered bank accounts of Hamas hierarchy and the organization exists because of one of the most prolific sins of mankind: Greed. It all comes down to basic greed. And as long as the billionaire barons of Hamas suffer no loss, the rest of the world can just go to hell.

In recent months Hamas has experienced exponential growth in marketing their business model. Their product is sentiment and it has forced logic to take a knee. Obeisance to what a cult-like loyalty is on the rise. Hamas is now a household name, a mainstream brand. It has become a toy store for adults and a world of millions of Peter Pan in the West.

Hamas is a business platform run by common criminals. But it is also a polyglot enterprise aided by a digital age and Google translate. And if there is a modern analogy, it is the rise of Consumer Cellular which offers affordable cell service by piggybacking onto existing networks to provide coverage. Hamas is piggybacking onto existing networks within university campus – nurtured by the professors who have ideologically compromised education for decades. The resistance organizations are now storefront and not largely ignored backroom resistance movements. Piggybacking onto homegrown dissident groups with little to offer the world but plenty of opinion and the color pink. Piggybacking into houses of worship – which in itself is an act of blasphemy against the mission of the Christian church. Along for the ride for any given protest, or as seen in Latin America recently, with breast jiggling street dances of nonsensical women with drummers providing the cadence, as they carefully drape their kefiyyeh scarves to assure ample show of the best they have to offer man; I am not speaking of the lobes of the brain, albeit they are missing their frontal and temporal lobes.

Hamas commercial interests are traded along transnational lines with intellectual graft, war-mongering, black market weapons trade, hatred and profiteering all wrapped up into one distinct cluster fuck.

Qatar undoubtedly profits from having a hand in the management of the wealth portfolio of Hamas senior leadership; profit from elements of the black market weapons trade; profit from the prestige of playing the role of negotiator whilst secretly hoping it all continues to collapse. Qatar needs Hamas – until the day Hamas no longer needs Qatar. Sleep on that thought.

Qatar would never allow what democracy allows in our peaceful streets. Never allow for street demonstrations and rowdiness against the state. But what is not allowed is vulnerable to other elements which cannot always be controlled by a police state.

Qatar has a choice. They can exile Hamas leadership and allow Mossad to do what Mossad does best, which is to hunt. Or they can sit back and wait until Mossad hunts on their sovereign soil. I firmly believe ...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting, Pasto.

But as I continue to follow the propaganda, I note that UT Austin has buried the news that their commencement exercise was marred by a protester.

The headline is false, and all of the news about this event inside the auditorium are only to be found within Spanish language media platforms.

Why it took a full minute to remove the man is a mystery to me. Security should have been present on the stage to haul him off as soon as he placed his on stupidity on full display.
