Tuesday, May 14, 2024

SICK: Climate Scientist Suggests “Culling” the Human Population with a Deadly Pandemic to Solve the “Climate Crisis”

I don't know, man. I thought they already had this plan in action.

As the National Pulse notes, McGuire is infamous for being a member of a British government body that advised politicians on the COVID-19 response. He also co-authored a report for the radical United Nations’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which helps influence climate policy worldwide.

McGuire is also not the first leftist to suggest exterminating the human population to solve the planet’s issues. For example, infamous animal rights activist Jane Goodall once floated reducing the Earth’s population to what it was 500 years ago. A University of Texas professor also called for killing 90 PERCENT of all humans to save the planet.

The Biden regime is funding dangerous experiments that could turn these vile individuals’ dreams into a reality. The National Pulse reveals Peter Daszak, a researcher with ties to Anthony Fauci, is still receiving millions in taxpayer dollars to “research” not only coronavirus samples in Wuhan, but also to source new bat viruses from Burma, Laos, the Philippines, Thailand, and other countries. Some of these pathogens are highly infectious.

American taxpayers are also funding risky Chinese research on the bird flu more transmissible, a disease that kills over 50% of the people it infects. COVID-19, by comparison, has a fatality rate of less than 1%.

These facts add fuel to the theory that COVID-19 was created as a trial run and globalists are planning to develop a far more deadly virus to provide a “final solution” to the human race.


So, my theory on this guy is this: 

He is part of the establishment Globalists. 

So, for this guy to say, "we need to create a deadly pandemic to solve the "Climate Crisis" is nothing but a deflection. 

It's like Andrew Cuomo saying he knows now that COVID wasn't what we thought it was, but he won't apologize for his policies because they were "Voluntary."

What Cuomo and this guy are really saying is, "Don't Nuremberg Code me, bro."

They are trying to deflect blame from themselves, so they can't be brought up on charges.

If this guy acts like he is speaking theoretically about a pandemic that culls humans, then he believes no one will recognize that COVID in combination with the vaccine is a pandemic that is culling humans. 


That is a culling. 

Whether they meanr it or not.

And here's another thing, even if they didn't mean it, THEY DID KNOW ABOUT IT. 

We now know this because the limited trials Pfizer and Moderna did showed people were going to die in numbers that were unacceptable.


Life insurance executives and actuaries believe the numbers are alarming Life insurers paid record levels of claims in 2021, biggest one-year increase since 1918 Distributed a record $100.28 billion in total death benefits. Younger adult death rate up 20% in 2023 Center of Disease Control that show mortality rates alarmingly rising for different categories. The surge in excess deaths caught carriers off guard 15 – 19 years % difference from 2019 2018, 1% 2020, 21% 2021, 28% 2022, 21% 2023, (Jan – May), 24% 30 – 34 years % difference from 2019 2018, -1% 2020, 30% 2021, 42% 2022, 30% 2023, (Jan – May), 23% 40 – 44 years % difference from 2019 2018, -2% 2020, 30% 2021, 45% 2022, 30% 2023, (Jan – May), 25% Cause of death data show increased cardiac mortality in all ages. As COVID-related causes declined in 2022, others rose, particularly stroke, diabetes, kidney and liver diseases. Society of Actuaries poll In August 2022, 85% thought excess morality rates would continue to 2025. In September 2023, 79% believed excess mortality rates will continue through 2026. UK data https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIj... Our world in data link https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/ex...

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