Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Weather Manipulation Claims Backed by Science — Must Read Deep Dive into History of Weather Manipulation — Shocking Facts Revealed!


After Representative Greene tweeted a simple and accurate statement last week regarding weather manipulation, the mainstream media went on autopilot mode, calling her an “unhinged conspiracy theorist”.


Geoengineering, or weather modification, is real. Read about the US Government’s “Five Year Geoengineering Study Plan” here. Read the USDA’s report on cloud seeding here. Read a White House statement here.

Yes, the government is actively modifying the weather. They tell the media it is to “combat climate change”. Wouldn’t it be appropriate for a journalist to ask the obvious question, “Is it safe?

According to environmentalist Robert Kennedy, Jr. the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates has “hijacked geoengineering” and Gates is funding these projects around the world.

“They aggravate the problem then sell us the solution,” said Kennedy. “The solution that they want is more social controls. Geoengineering is a threat that the environmental community needs to know about and the rest of us needs to know about.”      

The general public needs to be start learning about weather modification rather than blindly trust the government and corporations to their own devices when it comes to their use of these powerful technologies.

There is little to no public oversight or discourse on the subject matter. While these tools can be used for good, they can also be used for nefarious purposes and have been misused in the past.    

For example, during Vietnam War, the US Government reportedly used cloud seeding in their secret Operation Popeye to amplify treacherous monsoons in Vietnam and devastate roads with flooding.

Project Cirrus of 1947 attempted to modify a hurricane off the coast of Florida only to artificially redirect it to demolish parts of Georgia. As technologies develop rapidly, the sky is the limit on how potentially helpful OR dangerous weather modification can become.

As of last April when the latest data was released, there are 42 regular cloud seeding projects across the U.S. with another 200 stations opening up by next season (that should have happened already).

Insurance companies invest in cloud seeding for obvious reasons- to attempt to manipulate storms to avoid heavy payouts to insured customers.

Private companies also cloud seed- that can be contracted to do jobs for the government or for any private person or organization that can afford their services. This literally includes a company in England that sells pricey cloud seeding services to wealthy couples to ensure fair weather on their wedding day.         

Stakeholders can be Big Agriculture companies that need more water to multiply their crops, superpowers like China that are have publicly stated half their nation’s weather will be modified by the year 2025, nations interested in using weather as weapons of war, coastline or tourist centric municipalities that depend on good weather, ski resorts that need snow…they participate in this and the sky is the limit.

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