Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Hey, Donald Trump, Fauci's Top Capo Knows Where All The Bodies Are Buried

From PJM

As I covered earlier in 2024, Anthony Fauci’s personal gopher at NIAID, Peter Morens, the go-between for Fauci and EcoHealth Alliance boss Peter Daszak — who funded the SARS-CoV-2 gain-of-function research in the Wuhan lab using public money given to him by Fauci from whence the pandemic sprang — served as a tool for the purpose of avoiding any direct communication that might incriminate Fauci and Daszak in the future.

Per Morens’ damning emails uncovered by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic in June, we have indisputable evidence that he:

  • Skirted FOIA laws by conducting official government business via private email accounts and explicitly explained that evading FOIA was the reason.
  • Demanded kickback cash from Peter Daszak for his role in funneling NIAID money to Daszak’s “nonprofit” that, in turn, shipped that money to Wuhan.
  • Encouraged the targeting of journalists for reporting on the malfeasance of his boss.
All of this is unethical, and the first two items, if not all of them, are definitely illegal. Morens himself, in fact, admitted under oath that his emails “look incriminating.”

Now, all it takes is once quick glance at Morens in action to see he’s soft — and likely very easy to turn state’s witness. This guy, being Fauci’s top capo, knows where all the bodies are buried — proverbially and possibly literally.

There may never be any greater opportunity to leverage Fauci’s personal connections against him, presented on a silver platter in the form of this goon who admits his guilt in his words on his official government email account.

Please, President Trump, put the squeeze on Morens, and he’ll almost certainly sing like a canary in exchange for some degree of leniency. And do it before he ends up suicided like one of Clinton’s associates.

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