From cdr salamander:
When IKEA first approached, their excited team was impressed that an internationally-acclaimed company like IKEA was making so much effort to accommodate Muslims in its workforce. (…) The IKEA branding was added by using a navy blue coloured cloth, with a thin yellow line bordering the top of the cap and the edge of the bottom part of the hijab, finishing it off with the IKEA logo embroidered on the back.
Another politically correct firm...
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What will be next? PC has gone too far. Appeasement has become an epidemic.
We must fight it!
Get the most prestigious award for fighting the Islamists
Support freedom and the victims by applying (results guaranteed) for the most prestigious award in figthing the fanatic Muslim fundamentalists:
Also name the responsible Quislings in our midst:
Name the quislings
The problem with your war on Islam is that your warriors are people who support the princles of love of mankind, equality of opportunity, freedom of speech and action, freedom of religion, democracy etc.
You understand that following these principles one doesn't go into battle against anybody.
In spite of the above, however, your website is the best I've found so far that tries to promote the above principles by restricting your criticism to beliefs and views which seek to destroy these precious principles.
Nevertheless I'm still suspicious of your motives; I have a faint suspicion that you are actually knocking Islam because you are trying to promote some other totalitarian, non democratic religion or belief.
Please help me get rid of this suspicion.
Thank you. Yours truly. Splungy.
Why did you comment on a post which is a year and a half old?
You ought to come up and check out what we are doing today.
We are a blog written by over fifty people from around the world. Our writers hail from countries as far-flung as Indonesia, Somalia, the UK, Germany, US, Canada, Hawaii, India, Pakistan, etc.
There is no religious criteria behind how I choose our writers. We've even had several Muslims writers over time.
The point is, do they want to fight against Islamofascism or not?
By the way, our writer from Somalia is, I believe, and atheist (as are quite a few of our other writers), and our writer from India is a Hindu. There are a couple of Jews, and a few Christians here as well, but other than if someone writes about their religious beliefs (as I do periodically), no one knows what religion anyone is here.
Oh, by the way, is Freedom a totalitarian ideology?
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