It's not a joke. At a SECRET meeting with Senate staffers, Bush's lackeys announced Bush's plan to give illegal aliens a 'gold card' with special privileges. Does it come with frequent flyer miles? Bush has been digging that hole so deep you can't even see the top of his head. I am sure he is angry that he has to deal with the citizens who he obviously despises while he loves illegal aliens. We the citizens are trash, scum in his eyes.
The Stein Report has learned of an secret briefing for Senate staffers by the Bush administration today. In a move to build support for Bush's guest worker amnesty plan, administration officials talked about how they would actually implement the program. Jaws dropped as the administration reps explained the centerpiece of the program, a "Gold Card" that would enable illegal aliens to enter the U.S. at will, and work at any job with no labor market or other tests needed but would deny them citizenship. "Gold Card" would be valid forever, similar to current "Green Cards" but illegal aliens holding a "Gold Card" would not be able to adjust their status through naturalization.
Michelle Malkin has the scoop as well. Truly Bush is a liberal dressed in conservative drag. If the Democrats want to try and impeach him, I say "Go For IT!" He is a traitor to America.

Anyone who ever thinks I try to control this blog ought to just look at the stuff you and Mark Alexander post and realize I agree with almost none of it, and yet, I like you guys, and I never take your stuff down.
Pastorius, if Bush would stop this 'guest worker' and 'amnesty' foolishness, I would praise him. If he would say, "Let's secure the border and build a fence first and then and only then discuss guest workers", I would say Fine. But to even broach guest workers and amnesty with our borders completely out of control, he gets my wrath.
I don't like it either. I'm with you on the issue. The thing I don't agree with you and Mark on is that Bush is stupid and has no tactical reasons for the positions he takes.
I think of the United States as a train which, while moving forward, is being pulled off the track in many directions by many different forces.
The art of diplomacy is needed to generate the centrifugal force required to keep the train on the track.
You and Mark both seem to disregard the concept of diplomacy.
For instance, someone wrote here today that Bush is stupid because he patted Musharraf on the shoulder.
Well, do you think possibly Bush is playing a delicate game with Musharraf, that we need to keep Musharraf in power for now, because he is the least dangerous leader for Pakistan?
Maybe? Huh?
Actually, to be clear, I think your criticisms of Bush are valid. I just think they are over the top, and that they ignore the diplomatic minefield he is negotiating.
I think his job is incredibly hard, and as he is in the thick of it, it is probably very confusing as well.
Remember, we see it from the outside. He sees it from the inside.
He, presumably, hears of threats that you and I are never privy to. Some decisions are probably made with such threats in mind.
I have heard some stuff that would make all of our hair fall out.
I don't know if it's true, so I don't blog about it. But, you can imagines, and you may have heard stuff as well.
Now, imagines having all that shit swimming in your head everyday. Imagine knowing that Pakistan is a boiling cauldron just seconds away from blowing up. Imagine having to keep that temperature just below the exploding point, on a constant basis.
I wouldn't want that job.
Note, also, that Bush went to that region to meet with India. The trip to Pakistan was probably a diplomatic requirement in order to help Musharraf.
Do you see what I mean?
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