If so, it's because of the London Bombings, the Paris Riots, and the Cartoon Jihad. The Islamofascists have clearly overplayed their hand. (Evil will always overplay it's hand, because evil is corrupt on the inside, and ultimately, as bent on its on destruction, as it is bent on the destruction of its enemy).
Thanks to TruePeers at YARGB, for making me aware of this, from Wolfgang Bruno (a guy I'd love to have on board here at IBA):
There is now a critical mass of Europeans who see clearly that Islam and Muslim immigration constitute a mortal danger to their freedom and their civilization. They feel confused and scared, but first of all angry. If this is the true face of Islam, doesn’t that mean that our academic elites, our media and our political leaders have lied to us systematically for decades?
Muslims misunderstand the mentality and potential response from the infidels because they see mainly the appeasement of the political class. What they don’t see is the simmering defiance that is growing at the grassroots level....
The EU is not a joke, the EU is evil, destroying freedom across an entire continent and spreading instability far beyond the borders of Europe.
The Cold War was won when Ronald Reagan publicly labelled the Soviet Union “the Evil Empire.” A generation later, we are witnessing the rise of another Evil Empire. Not the Soviet Union, but the European Union. It’s time to bring this one down, too.
The European Union, not the USA and definitely not Israel, is the greatest threat to world peace today. It is appeasement by the EU that has emboldened the Islamic Jihad, and not just in the West.
The EU is an increasingly totalitarian entity that is post-democratic and neo-feudalist. The buildings of the European Commission should be turned into a museum of the history of dhimmitude and Jihad across the world....
Quite a writer, huh?
Go read the whole thing.
The greatest threat to democracy in Europe is not, as many may think from Islam and its idiot left wing allies, but from the Fourth Reich which is quietly gathering strength and cementing its alliances across the continent. When push comes to shove, as it eventually will in France or Holland, some dinosaurs, thought once extinct, will walk the earth again. Unless the 'Muslim Community Leaders' realise this and make some attempt to be less confrontational then ... but wherever there are Muslims there is communal strife.
anon-I may not be there, but I have studied this situation in depth. I think that the only fascism we are seeing in Europe at the present IS coming from the left (remember the EU sanctions on Austria for DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTING Jorg Haider? I'm no big Haider fan, but was this the way to respond to a democratic member state?
I do not think that the PEOPLE of Europe awakening (your Ents, Pastorius!) to the traps between they now sit of Muslims out of control and Leftists similarly out of control (dare I mention Volkert van der Graaf? Mohammad Bouyari?) and fighting back is a threat at all. It is a necessary response and a removal of trash that has long been stinking up the West.
The Cold War was won when Ronald Reagan publicly labelled the Soviet Union “the Evil Empire.” A generation later, we are witnessing the rise of another Evil Empire.
We need an outspoken leader to call this evil by name.
The Fourth Reich are a collection of far right parties in Europe (eg BNP) who until recently have based their agenda on racism and xenophobia. Since most Europeans aren't racist or xenophobic these parties have had little electoral success.
But since 9/11 and the Madrid and London bombings they've identified Islam as public enemy number one, and in the absence of any recognition of the problem by the mainstream parties, the 'Fourth Reich' are beginning to pick up votes from ordinary working class Europeans, not out of hatred, but out of fear.
For instance, Le Pen? Is that what you are talking about?
Are you in favor of Le Pen? Do you think he can be trusted?
I have been warning for the past two years that if the governments of Europe do not wake up and fix the problem quickly, then Europe will revert to its traditional fascist methodologies.
Europe will win. The question is, how much of their humanity will they leave behind in order to attain victory?
And what will the Islamic world do if parts of Europe adopt the 'Serbian Solution'? Will there be an oil embargo?
How will other European countries cope with an influx of enraged refugees? Will there be sympathetic intifadas in other Europeas nations? Could trouble in one country cause a domino effect?
It's all beginning to look seriously scary.
I agreee with your pendulum theory. However, the problem in Europe is the pendulum tends to swing more radically than in America. And part of its arc does sweep into fascism now and then.
That is frightening, and I think I agree with Anonymous that it is a distinct possibility in the coming years.
Anonymous, you really ought to make up a name for yourself, so we know who you are.
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