Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Michelle Malkin's "Madness in Malaysia"

It's not very often when one of the bigger names in the blogosphere has something to say about Malaysia. But recently, Michelle Malkin wrote this (hat-tip Maobi):

Let's review.

Depictions of Mohammed are not allowed. Depictions of ordinary human beings and animals are not allowed. Depictions of mosques are not allowed. And now, depictions poking fun on the prohibition of depictions are not allowed, either...

Read the rest!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's their minimal rage threshold?

How about depictions of cartoonists drawing depictions of cartoonists drawing depictions of Mo.

Or how about depictions of cartoonists drawing depictions of cartoonists drawing depictions of cartoonists drawing depictions of ...

We could get into an infinite regress and still not exhaust their anger.