Tuesday, March 07, 2006

IHT: Islam Plans To Take Over England. Uh, Wait A Minute, No It Doesn't

The British daily, the International Herald Tribune published a wake-up call to England, warning the citizens of its fine state of the dangers of Islam.

Then, they thought better of it, and took the article down:

A wake-up call addressed to the British government by an expert on Islam has been removed from the Telegraph website "for legal reasons".

Fortunately, it is cached by Google here.

Patrick Sookhdeo argues:

"in a decade, you will see parts of English cities which are controlled by Muslim clerics and which follow, not the common law, but aspects of Muslim sharia law.

"It is already starting to happen - and unless the Government changes the way it treats the so-called leaders of the Islamic community, it will continue."

The Prime Minister's ignorance of Islam, Dr Sookhdeo contends, is of a piece with his unsuccessful attempts to conciliate it. And it does indeed seem as if the Government's policy towards radical Islam is based on the hope that if it makes concessions to its leaders, they will reciprocate and relations between fundamentalist Muslims and Tony Blair's Government will then turn into something resembling an ecumenical prayer meeting.

Dr Sookhdeo nods in vigorous agreement with that. "Yes - and it is a very big mistake. Look at what happened in the 1990s. The security services knew about Abu Hamza and the preachers like him. They knew that London was becoming the centre for Islamic terrorists. The police knew. The Government knew. Yet nothing was done."

The whole approach towards Muslim militants was based on appeasement. 7/7 proved that that approach does not work - yet it is still being followed.

For example, there is a book, The Noble Koran: a New Rendering of its Meaning in English, which is openly available in Muslim bookshops.

"It calls for the killing of Jews and Christians, and it sets out a strategy for killing the infidels and for warfare against them. The Government has done nothing whatever to interfere with the sale of that book."

Why not? Government ministers have promised to punish religious hatred, to criminalise the glorification of terrorism, yet they do nothing about this book, which blatantly does both."

Perhaps the explanation is just that they do not take it seriously. "I fear that is exactly the problem," says Dr Sookhdeo. "The trouble is that Tony Blair and other ministers see Islam through the prism of their own secular outlook.

They simply do not realise how seriously Muslims take their religion. Islamic clerics regard themselves as locked in mortal combat with secularism....

In 1980, the Islamic Council of Europe laid out their strategy for the future - and the fundamental rule was never dilute your presence. That is to say, do not integrate.

"Rather, concentrate Muslim presence in a particular area until you are a majority in that area, so that the institutions of the local community come to reflect Islamic structures. The education system will be Islamic, the shops will serve only halal food, there will be no advertisements showing naked or semi-naked women, and so on."

That plan, says Dr Sookhdeo, is being followed in Britain.

Our leaders are letting us down. They are not doing their duty to protect us.


Anonymous said...

The International Herald Tribune is a British newspaper?
How about that. I could have sworn it was French.

Mark said...

Our leaders are letting us down. They are not doing their duty to protect us.

Yes, that's why I wrote the article I did which, as you know, is printed below, entitled, Our democratic leaders are failing us!

I believe that Bush and Blair have no real understanding of this religion at all.

English kaffir. said...

e mail them and tell them there cowards.

Pastorius said...

Mark, yes, I took that from you, although it is something that I and Dag have been known to repeat quite often as well.

In fact,


Leaders know what it means when the people start saying they don't believe they are being represented.

To put things in terms of American history; we are victims of


Anonymous said...

There's another article by Dr Sookhdeo at
where he describes the jihadist attitudes in Britain's Muslim community and the hero's funeral given to one of the 7/7 suicide bombers. However he still appears to believe that Islam can be reformed to become more peaceful.

But don't hold your breath.

Scott said...

Since you reported this, the Google cache has been replaced by the message at the Telegraph site.

Anonymous said...

"Kick Islam out of England",well let us put it to a vote?
If English people find Islamic terrorist groups,help protect their way of life.
Lets all of us support such groups but if English people,do not agree with those type of groups,lets kick them all out of England.But will Europe allow that to happen?
I am Ras Robert in Leicester,born here of Antiguan parents.