Friday, April 14, 2006

The left on Iran, when it’s the very premises which are wrong

The claim… the neocons are “framing discussion on Iran”, well no, the neo cons are bringing objective reality to you. It you who perceive anything you disagree with as an attempt to alter perceptions. To you in fact, reality IS perception. Which is to say, if there is nobody around there is no sound in the forest when the tree falls.

Here are the specious, incredible, delusions
1. Iran presently has a strong, rational incentive to get nukes.
Bush is planting permanent military bases on Iran's doorstep in Iraq, and trying to proliferate nukes to nearby India. Iran's feeling the heat, and desperately wants to pull a North Korea: get a nuke to keep the neocons at bay.

Rebuttal- Mr. Scher claims via an MSNBC article we are provoking Iran by having permanent bases in Iraq, and therefore Iranians need nukes.
Wrong on the facts and wrong on history.
The permanent bases claim is based on an article which quotes a 19 year old saying it looks to him like we are staying forever, and points to the existence of Burger King, Mcdonald’s as further evidence of permanence etc. Then they show a picture of the Burger king….it’s a trailer, dude, the kind that go right onto an 18 wheeler.
Further and most importantly, the Iranians have been saying what they have been saying since 1979. In 1979 Saddam was a newbie, and we had no bases anywhere except CIA listening posts in northern Iran pointed at the USSR. They asked us to go away and we promptly did.
We are trying to ‘proliferate nukes to INDIA’?
India has been a nuclear power for decades.
Iran’s leaders have since the inception of Islamic Republic, made no secret of their enmity not for the the American govt, but Americans and the way we live. Those who believe otherwise are delusional fanstasists. Do the words ‘Great Satan” mean anything to you? Do you understand the Islamic meaning of these words?

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Anonymous said...

WTF is happening with blogspot today? This post should before Cubed's post, and my one before that!!

Anonymous said...

You just made a post, yet the time on your post says 2:17pm. Cubed is at 8:20 pm?!

Epaminondas said...

Maybe cubed has a differnt time on his system?

Or then again maybe we should be consulting him about stockk prices during the day

Epaminondas said...

BTW blogger SUCKS, I changed completely to movable type and it's totally hosted on our units. It needs nothing outside, unlike blogger.

MT is also available hosted on thier units as Typepad, just like blogger.