Sunday, April 16, 2006

Oh Canada

There are some things we know of history and our times. They are called facts. They are usually documented with evidence, including text with signatures, photography and video, the consensus of those who were there to witness, etc.

We know that Israel allows people of all nations and faiths to tour the Temple Mount area in Jerusalem. We know that the Muslims do not allow anyone who is not Islamic to enter the al-Aqsa Mosque.

We know that Israeli hospitals are among the best in the world, and that they even treat the surviving suicide bombers who kill and maim their own citizens. We know that the hospitals of Palestine do not give Jews the same treatment. In fact, Jews are not allowed in the Gaza Strip at all.

But, even though we know there are facts, and that these two things I just mentioned are facts, the Canadian government sees no problem in hiring people who would dispute such facts to help run a Dept. of the government involved with Muslim relations.

The person in question here is a woman named Crystal Procyshen. Here is a sample of her prose:

If East Jerusalem comesunder full Israeli control, the Palestinians cannot pray at the Temple Mount or Holy Sepulchre. As well, the best Arab hospitals and jobs would be lost-destroying Palestinian lives and livelihood. After July 30, when a bomb by two Hamas suicide bombers exploded in a Jewish market, millions or surviving Palestinians suffered when Israeli closures were imposed. I could feel the effects of the ongoing injustices of the occupation now amplified by this evil violence that ordinary Palestinians do not condone.

As I have, we know the facts, but Crystal Procyshen does not know, or will not acknowledge the facts. But, that does not preclude her from serving her government ignorantly.

Read of Ms. Procyshen, and of Canada's new initiative on Muslim relations over at No Dhimmitude.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

er, you realize that your example of her prose is from 1997 when she would have been no older than 19?

how many things did you say or write at 19 that are identical to your thoughts and opinions 9 years later? hopefully none, or you would demonstrate a stunning lack of personal growth and development...