Monday, April 17, 2006

Where is the Outrage : Part Whatever

As the onslaught of shows about Jesus hit the airwaves this Easter Weekend, I couldn't help but wonder where the outrage amongst Muslims can be found in the frequently quite negative portrayals of Jesus (Issa to Muslims). Not many of the shows on cable networks about Jesus this weekend were about the Crucifixion or the Resurrection, which Muslims do not believe in anyway. Nor are the numerous books which call into question many aspects of Jesus' existence, sexual orientation, lifestyle, role as religious leader, etc. Similarly, there have been numerous "controversial" cartoons and other depictions of Jesus.

We saw how the Muslim world reacted to depictions of the "Seal of the Prophets", their Mohammad, but it cannot be forgotten that Muslims also view Jesus as a prophet, even if they deny his divinity. He is considered by Muslims a revered Prophet as well as a Muslim, and also is expected to return in the end times by Muslims. I've had these things asserted to me by so many Muslims, that after the Great Cartoonifada, I cannot help but wonder where their outrage is at seeing Jesus portrayed in such a bad light throughout much of the last century. Surely insults to any of the Prophets considered sacred in Islam should provoke condemnation if not outright rage. I realize that Mohammad is at the top of the heap in this regard, but still, where is the outrage?


Pastorius said...

Muslims only interest in Jesus is to deny that he died on the cross for the sins of the world.

Likewise, their only interest in Moses is to deny the story that Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son for God, as God would later sacrifice His Son for us.

If it were not for these two stories, Islam would deny the existence of Judaism and Christianity altogether.

In other words, it is easy to ignore the Law, and choose sin, but it is almost impossible to ignore profound sacrifice.

Always On Watch said...

A real vacuum of Christian programming this past Easter weekend. Combine this with the msm's refusal to expose atrocities in the Muslim world, and what do you have?

Kiddo said...

Pastorius, I'd argue rather that good old Mo was trying as hard as possible to join the club, as it were, and co-opt what scant bits he knew of these traditions into his new religion. Of course I'm obviously in the Mo made it all up camp, but in the early surahs he was definitely trying to cozy up to the Jews.

I realize that their interest in expressing outrage over even their own prophets (and remember, to Muslims the Koran IS THE WORD OF ALLAH, and that these figures appear there makes them sacred) as long as these prophets and defense of them would please certain infidels is an unappetizing cause for most Muslims. It is, however, illogical from the standpoints of their Holy Text as well as from the standpoint of Muslim PR. CAIR are no fools, they want to better the Western view of Muslims. How better to do this than a great show of "outrage" over Jesus et al? Just thinking.

Pastorius said...

You're asking them to be smart.

The great thing about our enemy is that they continue to tell us the truth, even when it is to their disadvantage.

I understand how you are thinking here. It would be good P.R. But, I'm talking about the origins of the Islamic denial of the two great sacrifice stories of the Bible.

I agree with Mo. He said he thought he was demon-possessed. Yeah, that makes sense. How else to explain that they have twisted the truth into pretty little braids the way the Muslim tradition has done.

You know they say that Judas died on the cross in Jesus' place.

Can you think of anything more blasphemous?