Monday, July 03, 2006

Al Qaida now controls Somalia

For those who have eulogized Al Qaida, here's some disturbing news: The commander of the Islamic militia that took control of the capital of Somalia is an Al Qaida fugitive.

Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, believed to be 64, is no stranger to the U.S. intelligence community. Aweys is on the State Department list of Al Qaida operatives. He has been named the leader of the Conservative Council of Islamic Courts, the new ruler of Mogadishu and intent on capturing the rest of Somalia.

"Somalia is a Muslim nation, and its people are also Muslim, 100 percent. Therefore, any government we agree on would be based on the holy Quran and the teachings of our Prophet Muhammad," Aweys told the Associated Press in a telephone interview, his first comments to the media since being named head of the Islamic militia Saturday.

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