Saturday, July 22, 2006


FOX NEWS reports yesterday that Hezbollah finds opposition from an unexpected side.

More HERE!


Epaminondas said...

Robert Baer said yesterday the Shia he knows in Syria are packing their bags because they are afraid of a region wide (Lebanon >> Qom) Shia-Sunni war in which national borders are ignored in a Wallenstein like cataclysm.

Of course the only safe place from religious persecution the area would be:


Always On Watch said...

Pardon my skepticism.

The_Editrix said...

Oh I share that scepticism. I was just reporting the news, not selling them as everlasting truth.

And of course it is a matter between Sunni and Shia. As far as I am concerned, let them all kill each other! As long as it absorbs energy, which would otherwise be directed against the West, anything is fine with me.