Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Arab Sense of Humour

gulfnews.com is funny, albeit inadvertently so:
Thousands of anti-Israeli protesters gather in Iran

Tehran: About 1,000 people demonstrated in Tehran on Tuesday to voice their disapproval of the Israeli bombardment on Lebanon.

THOUSAND! In a five-million-city! Oh nooooooo... That is sooooo funny!



Krishna109 said...

1000 out of 5 million? I would imagine that at least some of those who didn't attend the demonstration stayed away because they . . . support Israel! Perhaps we should call them Iran's "Silent Majority" lol :-)

Pastorius said...

That is funny. I'm guessing the people are voting against their government by staying away.

I don't think the Iranian people are very happy that their government is setting them up to be attacked.

The_Editrix said...

The "Iranian people" voted with their feet for Chomeini and against the Shah. They could do the same now IF THEY SO DESIRED.

I feel no pity for them.

Pastorius said...

No, I don't feel sorry for them either. They voted for OhMyDumbJihad.