Friday, July 21, 2006

I for Insanity - I for Ignorance - I for Islam

From The Gathering Storm

This commentary at BlogCritques should not be missed.

"What kind of a god is it that's upset by a cartoon in Danish?" — Salman Rushdie

Prologue: The Muslim Fury and its Impotence

From the ghettos of Bombay to the alleys of Beirut, from the tall minarets of Chittagong to the imposing domes of Birmingham, Islam is scaring the world like a terrifying dinosaur — its fiery tongue lashing out, its eyes red with tears of victimhood, its mind ravaged with the visions of the glories of the past, its whole body seething with rage at its wretched defeated present.

Islam is furious and the entire world is being seared by the flames of its outrage.

Why is Islam Angry?

Mussalmaans have one book. Koran. They should have another, too, detailing all the new legends, stories, and facts which have come to lay siege to the barren landscape of their closed minds.

The brutal stories are too many: Heads still hung down in mourning over the fall of Andalusia. Fists are frustratingly tightened over the unsuccessful Turkish sieges of Vienna. The decadence and fall of the Ottomans hurt like a rotten tooth.

Then there are shameful episodes of the near centuries: The fabled Mughal Empire of Hindustan compressed to present-day pathetic bubbles of Pakistan and Bangladesh, Jerusalem lost, Palestinians dumped, fellow Muslims massacred in periodic Indian riots, myths of Muslim blood coloring the Kashmiri and Chechnya mountainsides red, ungodly Amreekans camping over the holy sands of Mecca-Medina...

Read it all.


Anonymous said...

As a member of an honor/shame culture, how can you admit to yourself, let alone to everyone else, that you and all your ancestors are the victims of an enormous hoax?

Either the koran is the Word of God, or it is a hoax perpetrated by a megalomaniac pedophile. There is no in-between position logically possible.

So the koran and the pervert must be defended at all costs - hence the fury at cartoons and korans in the Guantanamo toilets.

Anonymous said...

Here's a couple of links on Muslim honor/shame culture which explain the roots of Islamic rage and fury, and why the West and Islam cannot co-exist. Sooner or later one culture must destroy the other.