Tuesday, July 04, 2006

July 4th, Jew-hating moonbat style

A thoroughly disgusting piece of fiction disguising itself as an editorial in the American Al-Jazeerah site (indexed as news, of course, by Google News.). Written by Mark Glenn, who runs a site called "Crescent and Cross" whose purpose is to say that Christianity and Islam are quite compatible - and only those Jews are the problem.

Here is only a small part of the article, entitled "American Independence Day":
(Read the rest at Elder of Ziyon)


Epaminondas said...

Nothing more defines modern Islam than the BLINDNESS it displays without even knowing it over, Mein Kampf, David Duke and now this gavone. It self selects as racist but claims that becuase the jews really are different it is rational and therefore justified racism...EXACTLY the claim of Mein Kempf

From his website, Crescent and Cross:
To start, we ask you one simple question: Do you truly believe that the Islamic religion is diametrically opposed to and the sworn enemy of Christianity? Or is there another more diabolical enemy behind the scenes? — An enemy that is playing both sides against each other by use of provocation and false flag operations. Are we truly by belief? — Or are we really being conned and tricked into attacking another religion that is actually very similar to our own?

Pastorius said...

He says, "A child's sweetness is boundless."

If they believe they feel this way, then we have to wonder why the Muslims teach their children to "martyr" themselves in suicide bombings, etc.

We are left to conclude they hate the sweetness of a child, and want to destroy it as quickly as possible.