Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Oil and our Enemy

Here’s an original thinker:
“The problem we face today is not our love of oil, but oil-rich dictatorships like Iran and Saudi Arabia--who use ill-gotten profits to spread totalitarian Islamic ideology around the world and terrorize us with their minions. The solution is not to punish ourselves by renouncing oil--but to punish our enemies until they renounce their aggression.”
Read all of Alex Epstein's article.


unaha-closp said...

I like the way this man thinks.

unaha-closp said...

oil isn't that important to make a whole war, security however is

Heresy. Oilfields are more important (or at least worth more) than humans.

It's MUCH better and probably cheaper to find alternative ways

Delusional lunacy - heresy.

Re the Article - The problem for Mr Epstein is that American companies are already profit substantially from the Saudis oilfields and would be less than happy with any militarily induced disruption to this profit.