Sunday, July 16, 2006

Play STRATEGY - GEORGE - It's Natanz, stupid.

On the day Iran was to have responded to the US and France, GB, W Germany over nuclear enrichment, Hizbollah committs an act making compulsory an Israel attack on Lebanon.


Time to lay the plans engraved in granite.
Israel should desolate the Hizbolah military forces utterly. The only rocket they should have left is a roman candle. That result should obtain EVEN IF THE SYRIAN BORDER gets crossed. Iran's bluster on this should absolutely ignored, NOMATTER WHAT THE RESULT IS.

Syria is a naked puppet of the Hojatieh in Iran.

If Iran attacks Israel to back up the racist murderers of Hizbollah, then I bet on Israel. If Iran takes on the USA as a supporter of Iran, via Hizballah attacks.
LET'S DANCE TODAY, rather than in 2 or 3 years.

Bad now worse later. The alarm clock is going off, don't hit snooze.

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