Sunday, July 16, 2006

Storm Track Disinformation: Joke of the Week

From The Gathering Storm

Kofi Annan has been wandering off the reservation for some time now. But this one takes the cake.

Annan has called on Islamic countries to continue – that’s right continue - their cooperation – yep, he said cooperation - with the United Nations in calming crisis flashpoints particularly between Israel and the Palestinians, in Iraq, and in Sudan's strife-torn Darfur region.

"Over the years, and especially the past decade, the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) have worked to promote tolerance, equality, development and the peaceful resolution of conflict," he said in a message on Tuesday to a meeting in Rabat on cooperation between the two bodies.

Either Mr. Anna should get out more or he’s trolling for jobs after his stint at the UN.

Is he speaking of the calming crisis Islamic nation like Iran who vows to wipe Israel off the map? Or perhaps the Palestinians led Hamas who want’s to push Israelis into the sea? Or maybe the Syrian backed Hezbelloh who are heaving rockets into Israel? Or maybe Pakistan which shelters OBL and the terrorists who blew up trains in Mumbai the other day? I won’t even go into the diaster in the Sudan.

Which one of these Islamic nations are calming crisis flashpoints in the world? Refresh my memory, please, Mr. Anan.

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