Friday, July 21, 2006

Storm Track Infiltration: Why Can’t Muslims Play Well With Others?

From The Gathering Storm

Why is it that of all the immigrant populations that enter the free democracies, Muslims seem to have a problem integrating into their new home country? Could the problem be self-imposed? Can’t Muslims play well with others?

During the last few decades of the last century, the free democracies have served the twin gods of multiculturalism and political correctness – gods that have turned on them in this century. The game of multiculturalism can only be successful if all participants play well together. Unfortunately, the ideology of multiculturalism accepts each and every culture and what they practice as morally equivalent and their behaviors protected by the concept of political correctness.

I wrote about this dangerous dilemma back in April. The Times Online reported that a Bangladeshi woman, Rahella Khanom, 24, shook a baby boy so violently that he suffered brain damage. She was granted leniency by the court and walked free because a judge conceded that she did not know how to behave in the West. The injuries inflicted on the child over several weeks had caused one side of his brain to shrink. It was believed that the boy would have been screaming in agony for eight weeks because his injuries went untreated.

Khanom, from Poplar, East London, said that she had wanted to purge the baby of evil spirits as it cried and cried. The court found her not to be mentally ill and said that Khanom, a Muslim, did not understand that shaking a helpless baby would not exorcise an evil spirit. I guess the non-Muslims seem to know the following – but Muslims get a pass. This is not just ignorance of the law, but ignorance itself – then upheld by the court.

Judge Rodney McKinnon told Khanom: “Normal and right-minded people will be horrified by this. Everybody must recognize how serious it is to treat children in this way and to use violence.” (Everybody but poor Muslims living in the West) But the judge said that Khanom’s strong cultural and religious beliefs, and the fact that she had been forced by her husband to live in isolation since coming to Britain from Bangladesh, meant that there were exceptional circumstances in her case. (I wonder if the dhimmi judge would give a pass to immigrants from the deepest parts of the Amazon jungle that came to London and practiced their cultural rituals of cannibalism!)

He said: “You are a young lady who came from Bangladesh. You lived there in a rural community, adopting the customs and ways of the people there so that getting to know the ways of living in the West and in this country were not easy. I accept you were kept really quite isolated from our society by your community (and her husband family) and it would seem to a large extent by your husband as well. (According to the Islamic Law of Sharia) Under these circumstances I do not feel it is in the public interest to pass an immediate custodial sentence.”

Something stinks in this acceptance of the mores and values of one of the players in the multicultural game. Western values, morals and law are based on the concept that there is right and wrong and there are little extenuating circumstances that change this basic philosophy. A defense of “Well, that’s how we do it in the country I come from’ does not hold water.

Now add this mindset to the following.

For some odd reason, police in Britain are holding residential citizen courses for Muslims to help foster acceptance of British values. Now, isn’t that what the public school system should be doing? And why must Muslims be singled out for having this problem? Perhaps they themselves have a problem and not the nation they live in? The Brits don’t see the need for special citizen classes for Indians, Japanese, Chinese, immigrants from EU countries, etc. Why only Muslims? What’s wrong with this picture?

Here’s another example of Muslims being singled out among all other immigrant groups having an ‘integration’ problem.

In an interview with Gulf News, former chief of Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), India's intelligence dealing with external security, says that there is a need to understand the Muslim mind, and engage in a constant dialogue with the community. Hmmm. The Muslim mind. Didn’t I post several times that the struggle for Islam is not over its soul but its mind? And why the ‘constant dialogue’? There’s no need for a constant dialogue with Christians, Protestants, or Buddhists. Again, what’s wrong with this picture? Why aren’t some Muslims unable to live in a modern society?

A commentary on the poison of political correctness explains the problem better than I.

For three decades now, the doctrine of multi-culturalism has had the status of canon law among the guardians of political correctness. Yet now the extent of the damage wrought by this deeply misguided philosophy is gradually being accepted. As the chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality, Trevor Phillips, said two years ago, rather than bringing people together in a common citizenship, multi-culturalism has had the opposite effect, fostering division rather than integration and working against the idea of a British identity. Now the failure has been acknowledged in a Leicester University project aimed at successful integration of people from different cultural backgrounds. According to one of its principal co-ordinators, Asaf Hussain, multi-culturalism – which he suggests should be replaced by the term "inter-culturalism" – has failed because it did not recognise the dangers of religious fundamentalism, with deadly consequences.

It goes on.

Through insisting that all cultures are of equal worth and that none is superior in any way, multi-culturalism has contributed to the effective state of apartheid existing in many towns and cities. Too many Muslim communities in West Yorkshire, for example, effectively act as laws unto themselves, importing husbands, wives and imams from abroad, tolerating the existence of homes where English is not the first language and allowing schoolchildren to spend lengthy periods of time out of the country. This has all contributed towards undermining Muslims' educational achievement and impeding their economic progress to the extent that, as a Government report revealed earlier this year, Muslims are more likely than any other religious minority to be unemployed and to live in poor housing in the most deprived areas. As a result of all these factors, younger generations are not only disaffected, they are also cast in a limbo, feeling neither fully British nor fully Asian, a worrying and potentially dangerous confusion. Just when it is needed most, any sense of common nationhood has been undermined and fractured as a result of the belief that different cultural communities should be left to themselves, to develop their own rules. The prevention of further atrocities misguidedly committed in the name of Islam depends on this situation being reversed.

Then finally there’s this commentary in the Daily Mail.

“Thirteen per cent of Brtish Mulsims see the July 7 murderers as 'martyrs'. They are epitomized by Anjem Choudary, who escaped with a £500 slap on the wrist for leading an illegal march against the notorious Mohammed cartoons. These Muslims use their faith not to honor the Prophet, but as a weapon to hurl at Western society. Their aim is only to foment the extremism that is so alien - and so dangerous - to our way of life. When will the police, politicians and courts stop groveling to the likes of Choudary, in their terror of being thought 'racist' - and start standing up for the Hashmis, of all races, who love our country?”

Well said. Are the elitist pinheads of political correctness and multiculturalism listening?

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