Thursday, July 20, 2006

They Were at a Pray Meeting?

From The Gathering Storm

Hezbollah reports that no members of their leadership were killed when Israel dropped 23 tons of bombs on a bunker 100 feet below ground.

But then this report. I nearly gagged on my taco when I heard it.

Israel did not bomb a command bunker but a mosque under construction. A mosque 100 feet below the ground? Paleeeze! What a bunch of putzes.


Pastorius said...

Actually, WC, if you think about it, it makes complete sense that the Mosques of Allah would be underground.

Their religion is from hell.

Anonymous said...

Good point, pastorius.

Who was that clown who posted first? Talk about spinning.

Pastorius said...

I don't know, but I decided to delete his crap.

blogagog said...

Evil zionist scum, stop blowing up our peaceful bunkermosques!

It was probably full of peace-loving Hezbollah civilians, unloading the religious missiles of peace.

(sorry, this comment probably isn't moving the debate forward :))