Monday, August 14, 2006

Winds of War: Sorry President Bush – You Still Don’t Get It

From The Gathering Storm

The recent statement by President Bush that we are fighting Islamo-fascism has stirred quite a bit of controversy on both sides of the issue when he said:
“The recent arrests that our fellow citizens are now learning about are a stark reminder that this nation is at war with Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation.”

The Right agrees with him and Islamic spokesmen and organizations do not. They criticize Bush’s statement on a number of levels but the main thrust of their ire is that there are no roots of fascism in Islam.

And I agree. There are no more fascism roots in the nation of Islam than there are fascism roots in the nations of Germany, Italy, Japan or nay other country. Nor are there fascist roots in Catholicism, Judaism, Buddhism, Shintoism, or any other religion.

Now before you start cursing me under your breath, let me explain.

Now this isn’t he first time Bush has refined his view of who the enemy is. Daniel Pipes reported a couple of months ago that in a striking admission, George W. Bush said the other day:

"We actually misnamed the war on terror. It ought to be [called] the struggle against ideological extremists who do not believe in free societies and who happen to use terror as a weapon to try to shake the conscience of the free world."

Back in June of this year, I blogged that said, tongue in cheek, “Good show, George! Except that “the struggle against ideological extremists who do not believe in free societies and who happen to use terror as a weapon to try to shake the conscience of the free world”, is too long to fit on a bumper sticker. It needs to be condensed.”

Bush is correct to identify the war as a clash between two ideologies. That’s what every war in history had been about. So let’s do a simple comparison with war against fascism in World War II.

The ideology of fascist Germany was Nazism. Those that believed in that ideology were called Nazis, the military arm of that ideology were the Wehrmacht.

Now let’s compare.

The enemy we fight today is the ideology of Islamism. Those that believe in that ideology are called Islamists, and their military arm are the jihadists,aka: terrorists. To win the war – any war- is to defeat the enemy ideology.

Islamism is the socio-political arm of the religion of Islam just as the Catholic Church was the socio-political arm of the Holy Roman Empire. To fully recognize our enemy is too understand the roots of Islamism in Islam – not the roots as fascism. Islamism can only be defeated when the religion of Islam itself is reformed – just as the Catholicism was reformed and helped break the power of the Holy Roman Empire and the Church.

The problem with the ideology that threatens us is that we are will not name it and so fascism, in Bush’s mind, equates to terrorists and ignore the just as great bit more insidious non-violent threat of Islamism which is widely supported by your everyday Muslim. Just look at the recent polls of Muslim opinion and you will see a subtle – and sometimes not so subtle –undercurrent of a small percentage that equates to a large number of Muslims living in the free democracies who may not agree with the Jihadist methods, but that are sympathetic to the Islamist agenda.

And that’ the real enemy that Bush has failed to identify – Islamism - and its threat to our Judeo-Christian Western European culture. It must be defined as such and confronted not at just at airport security and Wal-Marts selling cell phones, but standing on watch for every attempt of the Islamist to Islamotize our culture and make it into the Islamist dream of Islam dominating the world and installing Shari Law in those nations to morally and culturally weak to defend against it.

So President Bush. Please, before you exit stage right, call a spade a spade and identify the enemy and its ideology. Don’t be afraid to use the ‘I’ word whether it be Islamist, Islamism, or Islam itself. But ignore the other ‘I’ word – the one the Islamists like to use to intimidate their opponents – Islamophobia.


Anonymous said...

Sorry - but Nazi is short for National Socialism. There's your 'ism'.

"National Socialism or Nazism, doctrines and policies of the National Socialist German Workers' party, which ruled Germany under Adolf Hitler from 1933 to 1945. In German the party name was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP); members were first called Nazis as a derisive abbreviation."

Islam is a religion not an ideology and can be reformed some day to seperate it's religious beliefs from its current political philsopshy - or 'ism'.

Pastorius said...

I still like the term Islamofascism because whereas Islamism is technically accurate, Islamofasdcism is descriptive.

kepiblanc said...

If Islamism is a usable term then National Socialismism or Communismism are terms as well.

Take a look here :
It is Islam, Dummy

Anonymous said...


You're trying to frame this conflict in terms of a holy war. I don't agree. That plays into the hands of the Islamists. That's what they want Muslims to believe and if that happens we will be fighting 1.2 billion Muslims. Not good.

Pastorius, just calling is a fascism doesn’t account for the non-violent, inside insidious attacks on our culture. The Islamists want to radically change our society and culture. It wants to replace our behavior, family values, our governmental institutions, and our God.

Anyway, that’s my view.

Jason Pappas said...

I’m flexible as long as one is in the right ball park: Islam, Islamism, “radical” Islam, “militant” Islam, “fundamentalist” Islam, “fascist” Islam, or my personal favorite the Islamic Revival. But the bottom line is not to forget the “I” word. We’ll fine tune our definitions later.

Anonymous said...

The monster has many heads with many names, but there is only one jugular vein supplying life blood to them all - Petrodollars.

Cut the supply of petrodollars and these ferocious multiple faces of evil will wilt and decay like pumpkins in the week after halloween.

Seize the oilfileds! Not a difficult job, they're small in area, sparsely inhabited and mostly just a few miles from the sea. That will solve the muslim problem once and for all - no money for mosques or maddrassas, no terrorist funding, no dawa, no expensive lawyers for harassment, no buying up of MSM and their pundits.

Seizing the oilfields will be a trivial military and logistics operation compared with D-Day.

Cutting the root of terrorism wouldn't have been a problem for our parents and grandparents, morally, politically or operationally.

But of course they were the Greatest Generation, and we shall not see their like again.

We are far more politically correct than they were.

Pastorius said...

I think ROP's comment may be prescient. It seems apparent that we are not going to accomplish importing democracy into the ME. There aren't that many other options.