Thursday, October 12, 2006

Cause and effect

As Motoon Rage part II is gearing up it seems that the haystack on the back of a camel named 'European tolerance' is getting dangerously heavy.

In Iran the Danish embassy was fire bombed as Iranian PMs urged Ahmedinejad to institute a boycott of Danish products.

But the NY Times (as did the NY Sun a couple of days ago) notices changes in Europe. Gradual, hardly noticeable, but changes nonetheless.

It'll be interesting to see what happens around the muslim world after Friday prayer tomorrow. Keeping piling on the straws, my dears. Just keep piling...

(Crossposted at Klein Verzet)


Krishna109 said...

And then there's this story about Abu Hamza's wife . . .

Kiddo said...

Yeah, that's kind of how I feel. Keep pushing and you're going to get one giant stomp. There's only so much that even the battiest of moonbats can defend or excuse. Eventually everyone just yells "STOP IT!!", and few mind when force is used to make them stop it.