Monday, October 09, 2006

St Andrews University awards a degree to Khatami!!!

From The Times:

STUDENT leaders are organising a mass protest over St Andrews University’s decision to award an honorary degree to a former Iranian president who praised Hezbollah.
Muhammad Khatami is to be made an honorary doctor of laws by Sir Menzies Campbell, the Liberal Democrat leader who is also the university’s chancellor...

HT: Drinking from Home.


Anonymous said...

Ye porridge-eating morons. Not got much up yer kilt noo have ye jock?

Menzies Campbell is a typical socialist surrender monkey degenerate scots person and dhimmi politician who would clitoridectomise his own Grandmother with a rusty razor blade if he thought it would buy him a few Muslim votes.

Anonymous said...

Typical Scottish bigots following in the footsteps of Calvin and John Knox. Never underestimate the power of the kirk/mosque.

Englishmen may ask - "What did the Romans ever do for us?"

Well, Hadrian's Wall - for 2000 years the northern boundary of civilization and still going strong.

Stuff the koran up yer kilt!

ziontruth said...

Looks like they're pining for the days of being subjected to the law of primae noctis.

Anonymous said...

primae noctis in Scotland?

Some men go for women
And Some men go for boys
But my true love is warm and soft
And makes a baahing noise

- Robbie Burns

Shove yer korans in yer sporrans yer wussie dhimmi bass!!