Monday, December 04, 2006

Carter - My chief aim has been to bring peace to the people of Israel

I guess he means Islamic Peace.

Listen to this and I bet you will wish this lady, who was nervous, but not some freak, had a chance to finish.

Maybe the emcee should be asked if the woman would have had a chance to justify her assertion if George Wallace had been on talking about a book of his, decrying federal powers.

Video HERE


Always On Watch said...

Carter and his "Palestinian" rights. Ugh!

MadReza said...

brithirs..and that sister

i wanting you to join me and me join you. because than you will follow the goatman! yes we want to join!

but remember i will still be the true head of the goats!

Epaminondas said...

iz not for me to zay, but ve haff noticed your attitude.

Pastorius said...

Mad Reza,
You are invited to be an Infidel. Drop me a line at