Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Curse of Multiculturalism

Brian Walden asks, "What does multiculturalism mean?"

Britain has always been, in one way or another, a multicultural society. In 1900, or 1950, some people lived in a city and caught a bus, or tram, which took them to a job that paid a wage.

Others lived in the country and were awakened by a servant who handed them a cup of tea, the start of a day managing a large estate.

That definition is too broad; to be honest, it's idiotic. By that logic, every single nation in recorded history has been multicultural!

Near the end:

Many people can't believe that anybody takes the Bible or the Koran seriously.

But Muslims take the Koran very seriously and regard it as the word of God. It lays down strict rules about human conduct, some of which are at odds with the civil liberties enjoyed in British society.

And yet, you gloss over that core incompatibility:

This is not a problem incapable of accommodation, but Muslims will have to be allowed to proclaim convictions opposite to those of the majority. That will call for goodwill on all sides.

Ah yes, but what happens when those Koran-based convictions are no longer in the minority?

Mr. Walden should ask Santa for a lot of Muslim goodwill.


Kiddo said...

"Multiculturalism" by definition cannot exist and is now a term out of control careening through popular culture. Will it end? Who knows.

Anonymous said...

Multiculturalism means banning not only box-cutters and baseball bats, but also Bibles from aircraft (however you are allowed to take a koran) ...
