Sunday, December 17, 2006

France withdraws troops from Afghanistan

It is just a question of time before France will pull out entirely from Afghanistan. Now we have the news that several hundred of the best French troops are to withdraw.
France plans to withdraw around 200 special forces from southern Afghanistan at the start of next year following a recent surge in violence, reported the French newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche on Sunday.

The US are withdrawing troops as well, as NATO is supposed to take over more duties. NATO's effort is seriously hindered by national special interests. And the coherency of a NATO force is in question. This is to be seen in light of the increased difficulties in the region. Of course this is the major reason for France to withdraw:
Nine French troops have died fighting in Afghanistan, and Le Journal du Dimanche said the relatively high death toll had played a part in the decision to withdraw the forces.

Or is it? I rather believe this is the reason:
France, however, declined to dispatch more troops last month, saying it already had its hands full with the peacekeeping mission in Lebanon, where it has committed some 2,000 soldiers.

Let me just translate:

France has no problem with the number of troops, its military is big enough and is hardly taxed at all. Smaller countries are relatively speaking participating with larger resources. The peacekeeping mission of France in Lebanon is to assure that Hizbollah can rearm unobstructed. France is more likely getting ready for an armed conflict with the "terrorist Israeli state".

France is at all levels obstructing the war against terror. I say good riddance - what do you need enemies for with an ally like France?

While French special forces are excellent troops, most other French troops are, with some notable exceptions, of questionable quality.

And while the results and the effort in Iraq may be up to discussion, I find it hard to believe anybody can sympathize with the Taliban. It seems the French are trying.

I shall be interested in French girls no more and I shall boycott as many French products as possible. No more French cars for me!

Instead I suggest looking into Aussie girls.

Look at this video again, listen to the song, admire the qualities of this Aussie girl, Beccy Cole, and send a thought to the allied troops who still are in Afghanistan - and even the blameless French special forces - most of all who have made a big and even heroic effort. I and many other people have friends and compatriots there risking their lives every day in the front line against Islamofascism.

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