Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Missing Option

In Elan Journo’s article, “What Bush Did Wrong in Iraq,” he addresses a common misconception that being tough failed. This is now the rallying cry of the left-leaning MSM. Is this true? Journo says:
The Iraq Study Group has issued many specific recommendations, but the options boil down to a maddeningly limited range: pull out or send more troops to do democracy-building and, either way, "engage" the hostile regimes in Iran and Syria. Missing from the list is the one option our self-defense demands: a war to defeat the enemy. If you think we've already tried this option and failed, think again. Washington's campaign in Iraq looks nothing like the war necessary for our self-defense.

What does such a war look like?

Read the rest.


Anonymous said...

An option seldom mentioned: change the rules of engagement.

Robin said...

If we'd just fight the war like a war and not tiptoe around as if we're afraid of who we might offend then we would have won already.