First paragraph:
We the following Muslim bloggers hereby affirm that the Holocaust did happen because, not only are we quite capable of understanding overwhelming historical evidence, we also refuse to allow Muslim leaders to twist history for cruel, personal and selfish gains -- thereby reflecting negatively upon us and the message of Islam -- without confronting their actions with the hammer of righteous indignation. For religious, moral, and historical reasons, we repudiate and spit upon the Holocaust deniers conference now taking place in Iran, and stand in solidarity with student, and other, anti-fascists in that great nation, along with the victims of the Holocaust itself.Read the rest.
Unless I am mistaken, thus far, there are only four signatures on that document, and I know all four of them. One is an ex-Muslim and the other three are Infidels.
Let's see how this progresses. Hopefully there is a groundswell of Muslims who will condemn this insanity.
5 moderates, but no Muslims. Why am I not surprised?
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