Carter - We can't discuss Israel rationally because of American Jews
Anyone who has Dennis Ross's wonderful "Missing Peace" knows with a few seconds work that Carter DID plagiarize, certainly to the same extent as others such as Doris Kearns Goodwin, who took several tons of garbage for non attributed quotes. This is more serious. How much more? Who knows? Who cares?
Cater also has taken MUCH fire from MANY who claim authoritatively he is inventing history to fit his theories of why there is no peace (Ismail Haniyeh can fill him in).
But finally he is attacking the attackers with that old reliable ... the problem with Israel is the JEWS.(American jews today, other jews at other times)
We can't discuss Israel rationally because of AIPAC. This echoes neatly the protocols of zion light of Walt and Mearsheimer. I have no doubt that this man now is completely a captive of that sick camp.
We also can't discuss changes in voting because of People for the American Way or Gun Control because of the NRA, or .....well you get the picture. All hot positions have their supporters and opposition and groups to represent that with more influence.
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And people are buying Carter's damn books almost as fast as Barak Obama's. Barnum was right but he had an unfortunate tendency to understatement.
It is no coincidence that functional, and outright anti semitism is excused in these times as OVER SUCCESSFUL INFLUENCE BY A FEW as the physical and moral threat of fascism increases.
This is NOT a coincidence.
What do you think causes it, Epa?
Sorry to be anti-intellectual, but I say it is demonic.
To me there is no rational explanation for what is going on in our world today. there is no rational explanation for Baker's plan. It is completely irrational. It doesn't even begin to make sense, and yet, people treat it like it is brilliant.
Very very scary.
The pendulum always swings, it reached the good side from just after ww2 (IMHO)until ~ 89 when the wall came down.
The reverse action began in earnest in 1979, the year of Khomeini and the Soviet invasion of afghanistan both of which occurred not coincidentally in the final year of the presidency of James Earl effing Carter.
We are now living the moral challenge of 1938.
None of us alive today has a SINGLE excuse.
It is up to us to ring the bell every single gd day.
I agree with E on this, Pastorius. It is not "demonic". Moral cowardice is an all-too-common very human failing. But it does indeed feel demonic because, as you point out, there is no rational explanation for it. It is as bewilderingly irrational for people to stand staring stupidly at the advance of Islamic totalitarianism as it was for those people on the beaches in Asia a couple years back to stand there taking pictures of a 30-foot churning wall of water coming at them like an express train. Is the urge to deny a lethal reality overwhelmed by the survival imperative only when the danger is immediate and unavoidable? I fear it is, and I think this is the reason for the visceral dread I've felt for the past several months: I know what it means when all of a sudden the "tide goes out" half a mile for no good reason. I don't have to wait for the tsunami to engulf me. But it seems that most people do, and that means it will take another horrible wake-up call, much worse than 9/11, to bring that survival imperative back to the fore. Until then, people will grasp at any straw and turn with increasing savagery on anyone who tries to make them face the truth, and the Israelis -- and the Jews by extension -- are in that #1 scapegoat position. Again.
Am I being paranoid by imagining a nightmare scenario if the Israelis refuse to roll over and die as per the gonzo recommendations of the ISB? Iran and Syria step up the pressure until Ahmadinnerjacket is ready to "help the peace process" by nuking Tel Aviv?
Well, I could ask why it indicates demonic forces that the Jews are always the scapegoats, I suppose. Human irrationality usually accounts for such perversity rather well in my experience. I don't believe in demons but I don't think it's a "stupid" concept; it makes a lot of sense I guess what I'd call a poetic way. Destructive irrationality is never easy to explain.
I'm not a Jew but I did grow up in a largely Jewish community. Consequently "Jew" has absolutely no "alien" connotation for me. These were my friends, my brother's friends, my parents' friends, my neighbors, my teachers, etc. I went to Purim carnivals, Bar Mitzvahs, dances at the YMHA that always ended with the hora. However, probably the vast majority of people in the world have much less experience with Jewish people and can still harbor a latent jew-hatred because to them the Jews are "them" in some way. Some of it is rooted in religion, but most of it is probably stereotyping that can be awakened by the sort of fear and denial we are seeing now. And of course, a lot of people who won't admit to anti-semitism even to themselves are being spoon-fed this convenient scapegoat of "the Zionist regime". People in the West today are forbidden by the PC culture police from blaming Islam, so it is easier for them to be pointed in the direction of Islam's favorite scapegoat.
Pastorius, liked your radio blog, btw. "Aisha" is a riot. Only, don't say "y'know" so much. (That's us old fogies talking!)
Revere Rides Again,
I'm glad you liked the show. That makes me very happy.
You are right, I have to stop saying "you know" and also, um and uh. And, I have to stop clearing my throat on mic, etc.
I've done public speaking quite a bit in my life. However, only in an informal sense. I've never done radio. So, this is new to me. And, basically, we just turn on the mic and do our show extemperaneously for an hour. Even half the comedy is off the top of our heads. So, it kind of just comes out as it comes out.
I think I will probably get better, but it really could be that that's just how I talk. I almost sound dumb. Maybe I am dumb.
Everything gets better with practice. You're doing fine, and it's great to have more of our voices on the air.
Will Bill, "Mooselimbs" is a great word with infinite possibilities in such areas as bumperstickering. My compliments!
From the start of judaism, it was a religion which (at the time) required separation from idolators, due to prayer, different clothing, covered heads (skullcaps), marriage only to other jews, and did NOT seek converts thru active missionary work.
Pass this thru time, with various conquerings of the jewish state to what the Romans did under Vespasian (enforced diaspora) and you now have, instead of a nation, several to many separate imbedded communities which everywhere emulated that separate way of living.
This put the jews everywhere and nowhere.
They wouldn't convert for Jesus' later followers, and we all know how 'stiff necked' they were for Mo.
Thus while not being a military threat, they remained a culturally distinct entity 'within'.
All history shows us scapegoats of all FACT of having no nation (and therefore no army) and being driven in to exile worldwide we have ready made, separate living, strange culture, religiously suspicious scapegoat all packaged and ready to go for any group of ignoramuses with a cynical or truly believed reason.
As an American I have a very hard time understanding why that would make them the target of genocide repeatedly. Maybe I need to stop thinking like an American and start thinking like a retarded fuckhead.
Hi Epa,
As I say, maybe I should see it differently, but the truth is, I don't.
Here is a good articulation of how I see the issue of anti-Semitism:
That argues that those who hate the jews because they are jews are the essence of evil. It argues that because satan is wise, he will fill the minds of otherwise occupied people with rationalizations to do so.
We agree on these people representing evil.
Why they end up on that path is nearly irrelevant. Tho endlessly interesting.
Yuur explanation makes for an interesting view of (at least some of) Muhammad's revelations
I share your dilemma. Britain had a world empire over which the sun never sat, and if it wasn't for two Great Wars, it may have come close to conquering the world. Yet no one, even in their former colonies, hates them as a race and wants them destroyed. I'm sure that not even in free Ireland are the British hated as much as the Jews are by the Muslims.
There are many examples of peoples who have hated each other to extermination attempts. Look at the Balkans, and the Hutu and Tutsi in Rwanda. But there you have two peoples still in conflict in a defined area. Regarding the Jews, they are virulently hated even after they left (or were driven out of) the areas in which they are hated, like Egypt, Syria, etc. Why is there this strong hatred of a people who no longer live in that land, a people who no longer have any impact on those peoples? And how can someone in Indonesia, where a Jew may never even have walked the ground in a great many parts, hate the Jew so? Why the remaining Polish and Russian anti-semitism, even in areas "cleansed" of Jews by the Nazis, or where they Jews were able to flee to get away from the pogroms? Why else would Persia (Iran) want to kill off the Jews, a people who barely exist in that country, and who have zero impact on Iran?
The Gypsies are also a nationless people who don't blend. They are suspect because they aren't part of the societies that they travel through, and are feared and hated by those who think they'll come to town, steal their children and unsecured belongings, then travel away. But is there this hatred for Gypsies, even in countries where they don't live, or where no one can say whether they can identify a gypsy? It's one thing to expel someone out of a country, another to have a hatred of them that crosses borders and calls for their death.
But for hundreds of years, Jews have been warred against by Christian, Muslim, secular, atheistic, and pagan countries. Want the litany? Go see:
They say that ghosts are spirits who cannot find rest, and who haunt the areas which they do in order to try to finish a job or end something before they can let go to move on. People who have died unexpectedly, and haunt that area. Lincoln's ghost, stuck in the White House, etc. I can't find in online anymore, but I once read someone's post where they wondered if recurring anti-semitism may be the actions of a demonic force which won't give up trying to finish a job that it's not been able to complete for all these years. Before I jump up and yell "Bulls (clap) Hit!", I remember that many nutty things have passed in my own short lifetime in the world, things which defy logic and suspend reality, like the fall of the Soviet Union without a shot fired.
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